УКРМАРК для класифікаційних записів

поле 001 — Ідентифікатор запису |eng>

короткий опис: This field contains characters uniquely associated with the record, i.e. the control number for the record of the agency preparing the record.

обов’язковість поля: ТАК (Обов’язкове)

повторюваність поля: НІ (Не повторюється)


In conformance with ISO 2709 this field does not have indicators. Це поле не має індикаторів.

примітки до змісту поля: There are no restrictions on the form of the record identifier.
When the record identifier consists of or incorporates any form of an International Standard Number, other identifiable number such as a national number, or other data such as country of publication, this information is nevertheless to be entered in the field specified for that data in addition to recording it as the record identifier in this field.

Взаємопов’язані поля

Related Fields An agency may be using other separately identified numbers such as ISBN or National Bibliography Number as a Record Identifier. See Notes on Field Contents above for treatment in these cases.

    This field contains a code identifying the source of the record identifier.

Взаємопов’язане поле 035 – SYSTEM CONTROL NUMBER
    When an agency adds another agency's records to its database, the earlier record identifier is placed in this field.


In conformance with ISO 2709 this field does not contain subfields. Це поле не містить підполів.

приклад 1 („EX 1“): 001 7661149

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