Відкрити головне меню

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Визначення поля
Поле містить інформацію про інструменти та/або голоси, пристрої та інші засоби виконання музичного твору.
It was designed prior to the release of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)
and of the cataloguing rules that conform to them.
According to the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), some of the information
carried in this field pertains to FRBR entities other than the Manifestation. Such data should preferably be
carried in linked authority records describing the relevant related entity rather than in the record
describing the Manifestation.
However those data can still be carried in bibliographic records describing manifestations under certain
conditions, especially when the records are/were created in a pre-FRBR or a non-FRBR context.