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Створена сторінка: This list contains ''Resource Description and Access'' (RDA) terms and corresponding two-character lower case alphabetic codes for RDA Carrier types. These type...
This list contains ''Resource Description and Access'' (RDA) terms and corresponding two-character lower case alphabetic codes for RDA Carrier types. These types can be recorded in MARC Bibliographic and Holdings records in textual form and/or in the two-character coded form in '''MARC field''' '''338 (Carrier Type)'''. They may also be recorded, sometimes in a more granular and sometimes in a more general form, with one-character codes in the '''MARC 007/01 (Specific material designation)''' with a few exceptions (see tables). In the following, the two-character codes and terms for field 338 $b and $a, respectively, are listed along with the corresponding MARC 007 (or other) codes.

The source code for this list in field 338 $2 (Source) is '''rdacarrier'''.

<span id="audio-carriers"></span>
== Audio carriers ==

<br />

| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
| MARC codes for RDA terms - 338 $b
| MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01
| audio cartridge
| sg
| g - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| audio belt
| sb
| b - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| audio cylinder
| se
| e - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| audio disc
| sd
| d - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| sound track reel
| si
| i - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| audio roll
| sq
| q - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| audio wire reel
| sw
| w - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| audiocassette
| ss
| s - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| audiotape reel
| st
| t - 007/01 (Sound recording)
| other
| sz
| z - 007/01 (Sound recording)

<br />

<span id="computer-carriers"></span>
== Computer carriers ==

<br />

|width="33%"| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
|width="33%"| MARC codes for<br />
RDA terms - 338 $b
|width="33%"| MARC computer carrier codes - 007/01
| computer card
| ck
| k - 007/01 (Electronic resource)
| computer chip cartridge
| cb
| b - 007/01 (Electronic resource)
| computer disc
| cd
| d - 007/01 (Electronic resource)
| computer disc cartridge
| ce
| e - 007/01 (Electronic resource)
| computer tape cartridge
| ca
| a - 007/01 (Electronic resource)
| computer tape cassette
| cf
| f - 007/01 (Electronic resource)
| computer tape reel
| ch
| h - 007/01 (Electronic resource)
| online resource
| cr
| r - 007/01 (Electronic resource)
| other
| cz
| z - 007/01 (Electronic resource)

<br />

<span id="microform-carriers"></span>
== Microform carriers ==

<br />

|width="33%"| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
|width="33%"| MARC codes for<br />
RDA terms - 338 $b
|width="33%"| MARC microform carrier codes - 007/01
| aperture card
| ha
| a - 007/01 (Microform)
| microfiche
| he
| e - 007/01 (Microform)
| microfiche cassette
| hf
| f - 007/01 (Microform)
| microfilm cartridge
| hb
| b - 007/01 (Microform)
| microfilm cassette
| hc
| c - 007/01 (Microform)
| microfilm reel
| hd
| d - 007/01 (Microform)
| microfilm roll
| hj
| j - 007/01 (Microfilm)
| microfilm slip
| hh
| h - 007/01 (Microform)
| microopaque
| hg
| g - 007/01 (Microform)
| other
| hz
| z - 007/01 (Microform)

<br />

<span id="microscopic-carriers"></span>
== Microscopic carriers ==

<br />

| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
| MARC codes for RDA terms - 338 $b
| MARC microscopic carrier codes - Bibliographic 008/33
| microscope slide
| pp
| p - 008/33 (Visual Materials)
| other
| pz
| no code

<br />

<span id="projected-image-carriers"></span>
== Projected image carriers ==

<br />

|width="33%"| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
|width="33%"| MARC codes for<br />
RDA terms - 338 $b
|width="33%"| MARC projected image carrier codes - 007/01
| film cartridge
| mc
| c - 007/01 (Motion picture)
| film cassette
| mf
| f - 007/01 (Motion picture)
| film reel
| mr
| r - 007/01 (Motion picture)
| film roll
| mo
| o - 007/01 (Motion picture)
| filmslip
| gd
| d - 007/01 (Projected graphic)
| filmstrip
| gf
| f - 007/01 (Projected graphic)
| filmstrip cartridge
| gc
| c - 007/01 (Projected graphic)
| overhead transparency
| gt
| t - 007/01 (Projected graphic)
| slide
| gs
| s - 007/01 (Projected graphic)
| other
| mz
| z - 007/01 (Motion picture) z - 007/01 (Projected graphic)

<br />

<span id="stereographic-carriers"></span>
== Stereographic carriers ==

<br />

|width="33%"| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
|width="33%"| MARC codes for<br />
RDA terms - 338 $b
|width="33%"| MARC stereographic carrier codes - 007/01
| stereograph card
| eh
| h - 007/01 (Non-projected graphic)
| stereograph disc
| es
| s - 007/01 (Projected graphic)
| other
| ez
| no code

<br />

<span id="unmediated-carriers"></span>
== Unmediated carriers ==

<br />

|width="33%"| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
|width="33%"| MARC codes for<br />
RDA terms - 338 $b
|width="33%"| MARC unmediated carrier codes
| card
| no
| no code
| flipchart
| nn
| no code
| roll
| na
| no code
| sheet
| nb
| no code
| volume
| nc
| no code
| object
| nr
| r - Bibliographic Leader/06
| other
| nz
| no code

<br />

<span id="video-carriers"></span>
== Video carriers ==

<br />

|width="33%"| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
|width="33%"| MARC codes for<br />
RDA terms - 338 $b
|width="33%"| MARC video carrier codes - 007/01
| video cartridge
| vc
| c - 007/01 (Videorecording)
| videocassette
| vf
| f - 007/01 (Videorecording)
| videodisc
| vd
| d - 007/01 (Videorecording)
| videotape reel
| vr
| r - 007/01 (Videorecording)
| other
| vz
| z - 007/01 (Videorecording)

<br />

<span id="unspecified-carriers"></span>
== Unspecified carriers ==

<br />

|width="33%"| RDA carrier terms - 338 $a
|width="33%"| MARC codes for<br />
RDA terms - 338 $b
|width="33%"| MARC unspecified carrier codes - 007/01
| unspecified
| zu
| u - 007/01 (Unspecified)