15 556
нема опису редагування
==Definition and scope of fields==
This block contains notes, free text statements that are used to provide additional information dealing
with the item or copy in hand. Notes may include such information as restriction on access, physical
condition, etc.
The following fields are defined:
*300 General Notes
*301 Notes Pertaining to Identification Numbers
*373 Notes Pertaining to Copy History
*375 Notes Pertaining to Copy and Version Identification
:'''UNIMARC bibliographic fields valid in UNIMARC holdings records'''
*310 Notes Pertaining to Binding and Availability
*316 Notes Relating to the Copy in the Hand
*317 Provenance Note
*318 Action Note
*345 Acquisition Information Note
The fields in 3-- block are optional.
Notes on field content
All information notes are in a textual form suitable for display to the public, for whom they are
intended. Information relating to the formal bibliographic description of the item shall not be recorded
in the Note Block unless needed to resolve ambiguity. Notes intended primarily to guide cataloguers
are carried in the field 830 GENERAL CATALOGUER'S NOTE.
== Див. також ==