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нема опису редагування
==Definition and scope of fields==
The Extent of Holdings Block defines fields for recording information about extent data elements of
the items held by the institution identified in 252 field. Data elements are divided into the four groups
of fields that describe captions and pattern, enumeration and chronology, textual holdings information
and item information. These fields cater for four types of items as defined in the Record Label, i.e.
single-part items, multipart items, serial items and integrating resources, although the most important
application is for serial and integrating resources holdings. Within each set of fields, separate fields
are defined for three categories, i.e. basic bibliographic unit, supplementary materials and indexes.
The following fields are defined:
*500 Captions and Pattern – Basic Bibliographic Unit
*501 Captions and Pattern – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: Supplementary Materials
*531 Item Information – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: Supplementary Materials
*532 Item Information – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: Indexes
ISO 10324 prescribes the following punctuation for the extent of holding:
Symbol Name Purpose Example
: Colon Separates the first and second levels of
hierarchical bibliographical units. Blanks are not
used before or after the colon. v. 1:pt.1
, Comma Indicates a gap in a range of holdings. Blanks are
not used before or after the comma. v.1,v.3
/ Diagonal (slash) Indicates combined numbering, combined
chronology or non-calendar year chronology
data. Blanks are not used before or after the
diagonal. v.1/2
= Equal sign Separates alternative numbering schemes. Blanks
are not used before or after the equal sign. v.2:no.5 =
fasc. 15
- Hyphen Indicates an unbroken range of holdings at the
same hierarchical level or open holdings. Blanks
are not used before or after the hyphen. v.1-3
62 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format
<> Angle brackets Encloses the Specific Extent Note. The opening
angle bracket is always preceded by a blank; the
closing angle bracket is always followed by a
blank. #<Water-
; Semicolon Separates two levels of hierarchical bibliographic
units below the second level. Blanks are not used
before or after the semicolon. v.1:no.3;pt.6
? Question mark “ ” Indicates an unknown final digit of a date. 1950-197?
Quotation marks Enclose the Name of Unit. The opening
quotation mark is always preceded by a blank;
the closing quotation mark is always followed by
a blank. #”index”#
? ? Square brackets Enclose supplied enumeration or chronology.
The opening square bracket is always preceded
by a blank; the closing square bracket is always
followed by a blank. Optionally, encloses
enumeration for incomplete parts. #?1981/1982?#
( ) Parentheses Separate enumeration and chronology when data
are recorded together. Parentheses are neither
preceded nor followed by a blank. v.1(1983)
+ Plus sign # 6 Blank
Optionally, separates a bas ic bibliographic unit
from a subsequent one or from a secondary
bibliographic unit. Blanks are used before and
after a plus sign.
#1 booklet#+#
1 sound recording
Used in examples to indicate separation of data
elements within an area.
In ISO 10324 the blank is indicated by the sign “b” with slash superimposed.
== Див. також ==