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Hold / Рекомендації щодо використання

2011 байтів вилучено, 18:15, 25 червня 2018
3.13 Display of Holdings Records
According to ISO 10324 the following formats may be used to arrange the holdings statement areas in
a display.
 '''Style A:''':Item Identification Area::Location Data Area -- Date of Report Area -- (General Holdings Area) Extent of Holdings::Area + ... + (General Holdings Area) Extent of Holdings Area -- Holdings Note Area '''Style B :''':Item Identification Area::Location Data Area::Date of Report Area:::(General Holdings Area)Extent of Holdings Area:::(General Holdings Area)Extent of Holdings Area:::.:::.:::.::Holdings Note Area ==3.14 Explanatory Notes== 
Throughout the text of the format, the following conventions have been used.
(1) The dollar sign ($) has been used in place of the character IS1 (of ISO 646) as the first character
of a subfield identifier.
(2) The character # has been used in the examples to indicate a blank.
(3) In the examples the field separator character is assumed and is not shown explicitly.
(4) The phrase “not defined” associated with an indicator position means that no values have been
given to that indicator position.
(5) Externally maintained code lists are needed in some subfields. These code lists are contained in
the following Appendixes of the UNIMARC Manual Bibliographic Format:
 :Appendix A:Language Codes:Appendix B:Country Codes:Appendix C:Relator Codes:Appendix D:Geographic Area Code:Appendix H:Cataloguing Rules:Appendix J:Language CodesCountry CodesRelator CodesGeographic Area CodeCataloguing RulesCharacter Sets19 - 86UNIMARC Holdings FormatFIELD LISTFields, which are represented in the main sequence, are in bold.0-- IDENTIFICATION BLOCK001004005035070Holdings Record IdentifierRelated Bibliographic Record IdentifierVersion IdentifierOther Systems Control NumberInventory Number1-- CODED INFORMATION BLOCK100130135141170171172General Processing DataCoded Data Field: MicroformsCoded Data Field: Electronic ResourcesCoded Data Field: Copy Specific AttributesCoded Data Field : Acquisition StatusCoded Data Field : Collection ManagementCoded Data Field : Information Service Policy2-- LOCATION AND ACCESS BLOCK252 Location and Call Number255 Past Location and Call Number256 Electronic Location and Access3-- NOTES BLOCK300301302371372373375General NotesNotes Pertaining to Identification NumbersNotes Pertaining to Coded InformationNotes on Information Service PolicyNotes on Physical Characteristics of an ItemNotes Pertaining to Copy HistoryNotes Pertaining to Copy and Version Identification5-- EXTENT OF HOLDINGS BLOCK500501502510511512520521522530531532Captions and Pattern – Basic Bibliographic UnitCaptions and Pattern – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: Supplementary MaterialsCaptions and Pattern – Secondary Bibliographic Unit : IndexesEnumeration and Chronology – Basic Bibliographic UnitEnumeration and Chronology – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: SupplementaryMaterialsEnumeration and Chronology – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: IndexesTextual Holdings – Basic Bibliographic UnitTextual Holdings – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: Supplementary MaterialsTextual Holdings – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: IndexesItem Information – Bas ic Bibliographic UnitItem Information – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: Supplementary MaterialsItem Information – Secondary Bibliographic Unit: Indexes20 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format7-- RESPONSIBILITY BLOCK8-- SOURCE INFORMATION BLOCK801 Originating Source830 General Cataloguer’s Note9-- NATIONAL USE BLOCKAPPENDIX L – Complete examples
== Див. також ==