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нема опису редагування
The record label is constructed according to the provisions of ISO 2709
The record label occurs at the beginning of every record. Mandatory. Not repeatable
==Fixed Length Data Elements==
The label as a whole is always 24 characters in length.
{| class="wikitable"|-! Name of data element!! Number of characters!! Character position(s)|-| Record length|| 5 || 0-4|-| Record status|| 1 || 5|-| Implementation codes|| 4 || 6-9|-| Indicator length|| 1 || 10|-| Subfield identifier length|| 1 || 11|-| Base Address of data|| 5 || 12-16|-| Additional record definitionDirectory map514115|| 34Character position(s)0|| 17-45196|-9101112| Directory map || 4 || 20-162317-19|}20-23==Notes on Field Contents== '''0-4Record length''':Five decimal digits, right justified, with zero fill where necessary '''5Record status'''
A single character denoting the processing status of the record
:c= corrected or revised record:A holdings record to which changes have been made to correct errors, to bring it up to date,or one where fields have been deleted.:d= deleted record:A holdings record which is exchanged in order to indicate that a record bearing this controlnumber is no longer valid. The holdings record may contain only the label, directory and 001(record control number) field, or it may contain all the fields in the holdings record as issued;in either case GENERAL NOTE 300 field may be used to explain why the record is deleted.:n= new record:A new holdings record'''6-9 Implementation codes'''
6 Type of record
:One character code that indicates the characteristics of and defines the components of therecord.22 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format:a= Single-part:Item which is complete in a single physical part.:b= Multipart:Item which is complete, or intended to be complete in a finite number of separate physicalparts.:c= Serial:A continuing resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, thathas no predetermined conclusion.:The following are examples of materials that are coded "s": journals, magazines, electronicjournals, continuing directories, annual reports, newspapers, and monographic series.:d= Integrating resource:Bibliographic item/resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do notremain discrete and are integrated into the whole. :Integrating resources may be finite orcontinuing.
The following are examples of materials that are coded "d": updating loose-leafs, databases
and updating Web sites.
:u7= Holdings type unknown'''7 Type of unit designator''':One character code that specifies the component of the item to which the following generalholdings information and/or the extent of holdings pertain.:#abcx8=====Information not available:a = Basic bibliographic unit:b = Secondary bibliographic unit : supplementary materials:c = Secondary bibliographic unit : indexes:x = Not applicable '''8 Type of copy statement''' :a = copy-specific statement:Holdings statement for a single copy in a collection:b = Composite statement about multiple copies at a single location/sublocation:Holdings statement about two or more copies held at a single location or sublocation:c = Composite statement about copies at two or more sublocations:Holdings statement about copies at two or more sublocations consolidated into a singlestatementstatement'''9 Undefined''' '''10 Indicator length''':One decimal digit. For the UNIMARC holdings format the value is 223 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format'''11 Subfield identifier length''' :One decimal digit. For the UNIMARC holdings format the value is 2 '''12-16 Base address of data'''
Five numeric digits, right justified with leading zeros, indicating the starting character position of
the first data field relative to the beginning of the record.
'''17-19 Additional record definition''' '''17Encoding level''' :A one character code that indicates the level of specificity of the holdings statement. Codes 1, 2and 3 reflect the requirements of Levels 1, 2 and 3 of Holdings Statements – Summary Level(ISO 10324). A single part item holdings statement is recorded at level 1. A multipart or serialitem holdings statement may be recorded at any level.::1= Level 1:::Identifies the item and the holding institution. This level is sufficient for single -part items,but gives no indication of extent of holdings for multipart items or serial items.::2= Level 2:::Adds to level 1 general guidance as to the extent of an institution’s holdings.::3= Level 3:::Includes a statement of summary extent of holdings.::m= Mixed level:::Indicates that the level of holdings statement is mixed, for example when the levels forretrospective and current holdings differ.18::u = Unknown::z = Other level'''18 Item information in record''' :One character code that indicates whether item information is in the record, contained in one
or more occurrences of fields 530-532
:01x19= No item information:1 = Item information:x = Not applicable '''19 Undefined''' '''20-23 Directory map''' '''20Length of “Length of field”'''24 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format: One decimal digit giving the number of characters in the “Length of field” part of each
directory entry. The value in UNIMARC holdings format is 4.
'''21Length of “Starting character position“''':One decimal digit giving the number of characters in the “Starting character position“ of eachdirectory entry. The value in UNIMARC hold ings holdings format is 5.'''22 Length of implementation-defined portion''':A decimal digit giving the number of characters in the implementation-defined portion ofeach directory entry. As a UNIMARC directory entry does not contain such a portion, thevalue in UNIMARC is 0. '''23 Undefined (blank).'''
== Див. також ==