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нема опису редагування
ISO 10324 prescribes the following punctuation for the extent of holding:
{| class="wikitable"|-! Symbol !! Name !! Purpose !! Example|-| ''': ''' || Colon || Separates the first and second levels of
hierarchical bibliographical units. Blanks are not
used before or after the colon. || v. 1:pt.1|-| ''', ''' || Comma || Indicates a gap in a range of holdings. Blanks arenot used before or after the comma. || v.1,v.3|-| '''/ ''' || Diagonal (slash) || Indicates combined numbering, combinedchronology or non-calendar year chronologydata. Blanks are not used before or after thediagonal. || v.1/2<br>1969/1970|-| '''= ''' || Equal sign || Separates alternative numbering schemes. Blanksare not used before or after the equal sign. || v.2:no.5 =<br />
fasc. 15
|- | '''-''' || Hyphen || Indicates an unbroken range of holdings at thesame hierarchical level or open holdings. Blanksare not used before or after the hyphen. || v.1-362 |- 86UNIMARC Holdings Format6<> | <> || Angle brackets || Encloses the Specific Extent Note. The openingangle bracket is always preceded by a blank; theclosing angle bracket is always followed by ablank. || <nowiki>#<<Water-damaged>#</nowiki>#|-| '''; ''' || Semicolon || Separates two levels of hierarchical bibliographicunits below the second level. Blanks are not usedbefore or after the semicolon. || v.1:no.3;pt.6|-| '''? ''' || Question mark “ ” || Indicates an unknown final digit of a date. || 1950-197?|-| '''“ ”''' || Quotation marks || Enclose the Name of Unit. The openingquotation mark is always preceded by a blank;the closing quotation mark is always followed bya blank. || <nowiki>#”index”#</nowiki>|-| '''? ? ''' || Square brackets || Enclose supplied enumeration or chronology.The opening square bracket is always precededby a blank; the closing square bracket is alwaysfollowed by a blank. Optionally, enclosesenumeration for incomplete parts. || <nowiki>#?1981/1982?#</nowiki>|-| '''( ) ''' || Parentheses || Separate enumeration and chronology when dataare recorded together. Parentheses are neitherpreceded nor followed by a blank. || v.1(1983)|-| '''+ ''' || Plus sign # 6 Blank|| Optionally, separates a bas ic bibliographic unitfrom a subsequent one or from a secondarybibliographic unit. Blanks are used before andafter a plus sign.|| <nowiki>#1 booklet#+#</nowiki><br />
1 sound recording
|-| '''#''' [6] || Blank || Used in examples to indicate separation of data|| <nowiki>v.1-9#10#
elements within an area.
<Tables>#11#<Index></nowiki>|} [6] - In ISO 10324 the blank is indicated by the sign “b” with slash superimposed.
== Див. також ==