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→Notes on Field Contents
'''0-4 Record length'''
:Five decimal digits, right justified, with zero fill where necessary
'''5 Record status'''
:A single character denoting the processing status of the record
:'''n''' = new record
:A new holdings record
'''6-9 Implementation codes'''
:'''6 Type of record''' ::One character code that indicates the characteristics of and defines the components of the record.::a = Single-part::Item which is complete in a single physical part.::b = Multipart::Item which is complete, or intended to be complete in a finite number of separate physical parts.::c = Serial::A continuing resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion.::The following are examples of materials that are coded "s": journals, magazines, electronic journals, continuing directories, annual reports, newspapers, and monographic series.::d = Integrating resource::Bibliographic item/resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole. ::Integrating resources may be finite or continuing.::The following are examples of materials that are coded "d": updating loose-leafs, databases and updating Web sites.::u = Holdings type unknown :'''7 Type of unit designator''' ::One character code that specifies the component of the item to which the following general holdings information and/or the extent of holdings pertain.::<nowiki>#</nowiki> = Information not available::a = Basic bibliographic unit::b = Secondary bibliographic unit : supplementary materials::c = Secondary bibliographic unit : indexes::x = Not applicable :'''8 Type of copy statement'''
::a = copy-specific statement::Holdings statement for a single copy in a collection::b = Composite statement about multiple copies at a single location/sublocation::Holdings statement about two or more copies held at a single location or sublocation::c = Composite statement about copies at two or more sublocations::Holdings statement about copies at two or more sublocations consolidated into a single statement
:'''9 Undefined'''
'''10 Indicator length'''
:One decimal digit. For the ''UNIMARC holdings format'' the value is 2
'''18 Item information in record'''
:One character code that indicates whether item information is in the record, contained in one or more occurrences of fields [[hold/530|530]]-[[hold/532|532]].
:0 = No item information