Відкрити головне меню

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Hold / Рекомендації щодо використання

12 байтів додано, 17:26, 27 червня 2018
3.7 Coded Data Values
The following conventions are used in the assignment of coded values in the [[ Hold/Record label|Record Label]] and coded
data subfields:
:'''<nowiki>#</nowiki>''' - '''Information not available'''.:'''u''' - '''Unknown'''. Used when codes are being assigned, but the appropriate specific value cannot be determined.:'''x''' - '''Not applicableapplica'ble'''. Used when a characteristic is not appropriate for the type of entity being described.:'''y''' - '''Not present''. Used when the characteristic being coded is not present for the entity being described.:'''z''' - '''Other'''. Used when codes are being assigned and the characteristics of the entity are known, but none of the defined codes is appropriate.:'''|''' - '''Fill character'''. Used when no attempt is being made to assign the codes.
==3.8 Numerical ==