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Перенаправлено з «Hold/510»

Hold / 510 Enumeration and chronology - Basic bibliographic unit

(Перенаправлено з Hold/510)

510 Enumeration and chronology - Basic bibliographic unit


The field contains enumeration and chronology for which caption and pattern are recorded in 500 Caption and pattern - Basic bibliographic unit


Mandatory if applicable. Repeatable.


Indicator 1: Holdings Statement

  1. No information available

0 Summary Level Only the highest level of chronology data, the year, shall be reported for summary holdings. 1 Detailed Level Levels below the first level may only be used if subsequent levels of enumeration are reported or, when there is no enumeration, for purposes of clarity.

Indicator 2: Compressed statement

  1. No information available

0 No compression Each field is related to one issue

1 Compression

A readable statement may be generated from compressed data.

2 Uncompressed

It is not possible to produce a reasonable display. A note display is necessary.


$a First level of enumeration. Mandatory if applicable. Not repeatable. $b Contains an enumerative sequential designation. $c Second level of enumeration. Not repeatable. $d Third level of enumeration. Not repeatable. $e Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration. Mandatory if applicable. Not repeatable. $f Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration. Not repeatable. $g First level of chronology. Mandatory if applicable. Not repeatable. $h Contains chronological sequential designation. When only a chronological designation is present, the chronology specifies the holdings. $i Second level of chronology. Not repeatable. $w Third level of chronology. Not repeatable. $x Alternative chronological scheme, first level of chronology. Mandatory if applicable. Not repeatable.

Gap indicator

a = Gap break. Not repeatable. b = Non-gap break. Not repeatable.

Non-public note. Repeatable.



Public note. Repeatable.

Interfield linking data

Subfield $6 is used to link the caption and pattern field (500) to enumeration and chronology field (510). Mandatory if applicable. Not repeatable.

Notes on Field Contents

The highest level of enumeration and chronology data should be recorded for multipart and serial units, e.g., earliest and latest date or lowest and highest volume held, or both, with the range of holdings being broken only by the recording of gaps.

Data is recorded and displayed in a positive sense; that is, emphasizing that which is held rather than that which is not.

When both are present, enumeration and chronology data should be recorded and displayed together, enumeration first, with the corresponding chronology enclosed in parentheses. If the preferred form of display is not possible, enumeration and chronology may be displayed separately, with or without parentheses.

Related Fields

500 Captions and pattern - Basic bibliographic unit
520 Textual holdings - Basic bibliographic unit


EX 1

510 11$a1(1950)-10(1959) Enumeration and chronology recorded together 510 11$a1-5$f1970-1975 510 510 11$6z01$a1-2$f1950-1951 11$6z01$a4-5$f1953-1954 Serial with a gap of one year 510 12$a569; 590; 592; 595$wa 510 510 510 10$a1$b1$f2002$gJan. 10$a1$b2$f2002$gMar. 10$a1$b3$f2002$gJun. 510 510 510 510 520 10$a1996 10$a1999 10$a2000 10$a2001 01$a1996-2001$zsome missing

EX 2

EX 3

EX 4

EX 5

EX 6

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