УКРМАРК для бібліографічних записів
поле 327 — Примітки про зміст
обов’язковість підполя: НІ (Факультативне.)
повторюваність підполя: ТАК (Повторюється.)
приклад 8: 327 #1$aPreface$p7
327 #1 $bManagement and Use of Name Authority Files$c1. Background$p9$c2. Quantitative Results Covering all Name Authority Files$p13$c3. General Analysis of Automated Authority Files$p15$c4. Qualitative Analysis of each Type of Authority Files$p19$c5. A Few Comments$p21
327 #1 $bSummaries in IFLA official languages$cEnglish$p27$cFrench$p31$cGerman$p35$cRussian$p39$cSpanish$p43
327 #1 $bTables$p47$cTable 1. Method of working on authority file$p47$cTable 2. Quantitative results covering authority lists and files$p48$cTable 3. General analysis of automated authority files$p50$cTable 4. Qualitative analysis of names of persons authority records$p52$cTable 5 Qualitative analysis of corporate name authority records$p56$cTable 6. Qualitative analysis of uniform titles authority records$p58$cTable 7. Analysis of an authority record for name of person$p61$cTable 8. Analysis of an authority record for a corporate body$p62
327 #1$bQuestionnaire$p63
327 #1$bList of experts who replied to the questionnaire$p81
Зміст документа:
Management and use of name authority files : personal names, corporate bodies and uniform titles : evaluation and prospects : revised text of a paper presented at the open forum of the Section on Bibliography during the IFLA Paris conference in August 1989 … / by Marcelle Beaudiquez, … and Francoise Bourdon, … – Munchen … : Saur, 1991. – (UBCIM publications. New Series 5)
приклад 11: 200 1#$a
La 327 є структурованими (індикатор 2 = 1).mauvaise reputation$bEnregistrement sonore$fGeorges Brassens, chant, guit.
327 #1 $bDisque 1$cLa mauvaise reputation$cLe gorille$cHecatombe$cLe parapluie$cLe petit cheval$cCorne d’aurochs$cLa chasse aux papillons$cLa cane de Jeanne$cIl n’y a pas d’amour heureux$cLe vent$cPauvre Martin$cBallade des dames du temps jadis$cLes amoureux des bancs publics$cBrave Margot$cJ’ai rendez-vous avec vous$cP… de toi$cChanson pour l’Auvergnat$cLa priere$cJe suis un voyou$cAupres de mon arbre$cJe me suis fait tout petit$cAu bois de mon cœur$cLe pornographe
327 #1 $bDisque 2$cL’orage$cPenelope$cLes funerailles d’antan$cEmbrasse-les tous$cLa fille a cent sous$cDans l’eau de la claire fontaine$cLa complainte des filles de joie$cLes amours d’antan$cJeanne$cLes copains d’abord$cLes deux oncles$cSaturne$cLe 22 septembre$cLa non-demande en mariage$cSupplique pour etre enterre a la plage de Sete$cRien a jeter$cLes passantes$cMourir pour des idees$cLe roi$aLa ballade des gens qui sont nes quelque part$cLa chanson du herisson
La mauvaise reputation (автор Georges Brassens) – комплект з двох аудіо компакт-дисків. Обидва поля