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::'''Б) Підполя: Техніка стандартних підполів'''
===$a NameІм’я===
Name (англ.).
The name of the person, corporate body or family with primary intellectual responsibility for the workregistered in subfield $t. When subfield $a is a composite of more than one standard subfield use thepunctuation prescribed by the cataloguing rules used by the bibliographic agency to separate the elements.
Не повторюється.
===$t TitleНазва===
Title (англ.).
The title by which the work is known.
When the title of the work is unstructured (indicator 2 = '''<nowiki>#</nowiki>''' or '''0''') subfield $t is a composite of more thanone standard subfield and the punctuation prescribed by the cataloguing rules used by the bibliographicagency is used to separate the elements.
When the title of the work is structured (indicator 2 ='''1''') subfield $t is the title by which the work is knownwithout any qualifications or mention of any part.
This subfield should be present whenever field [[auth/241|241]] is used.
Number of section or part (англ.).
The number of a part when the item to which the title is being applied is only a part of the work named inthe title.
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