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Додаток S: Поле 146. Перелік кодів

652 байти додано, 15:21, 30 грудня 2022
3- Codes for position 7: other
<span id{|class="bwikitable"|| Code|| Definition||Notes Other definitions, language terms, variants|-codes| #| not specified -forposition not required| <br />|-subfields| r| electric|électrique elettrico|-b| s| electronic|électronique elettronico|-to| t| midi| <br />|-f| v| amplified|amplifié amplificato|-positions| w| recorded|enregistré registrato|-5| q| antiquity|antiquité antichità|-7| y| ethnic, traditional|ethnique, traditionnel etnico, tradizionale|}  {||width="><50%"| Code|width="50%"| Definition|-| #| not specified – position not required|-| b| ad libitum|-| c|may take place of the preceding code /span> alternative|-| d| used by the same player as the preceding code|}
== B: codes for subfields $b to $f, positions 5-7 ==