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unimarc.org.ua β


Hold / 135 Coded data field: Electronic resources

124 байти додано, 09:06, 28 червня 2018
нема опису редагування
==Field Definition==
This field contains coded data relating to electronic resources and may be used both in ''UNIMARC bibliographic record'' or in ''[[UNIMARC для записів про зберігання|UNIMARC holdings record]]'', according to the usage of the bibliographic agency.
If the document exists only as an electronic resource, field [[135]] of ''UNIMARC bibliographic format''
must be used.
The use of this field in the ''[[UNIMARC для записів про зберігання|UNIMARC holdings format]]'' is according to the usage of the same field in
the ''UNIMARC bibliographic format''.