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unimarc.org.ua β


577 Ім’я/назва — вираження (попереднє)

104 байти додано, 20:08, 9 липня 2018
нема опису редагування
'''Notes on field contents'''
Each element is coded according to the [[7XX|7-- ]] field appropriate to the element: [[700|700 PERSONAL NAME –PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY]], [[710|710 CORPORATE BODY NAME – PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY]], or [[220|220FAMILY NAME – PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY ]] for the name; and a [[507|507 PREFERRED ACCESS POINT –IDENTIFICATION OF AN EXPRESSION ]] for the title. The tag, indicators, and data subfields for the name andtitle are embedded in a field [[577]], with each preceded by subfield identifier $1.
A more detailed description of embedded fields can be found under the [[4XX|4-- ]] field block.
::'''Б) Підполя: Техніка стандартних підполів'''
The title by which the work is known.
When the title of the work is unstructured (indicator 2 = '''<nowiki># </nowiki>''' or '''0''') subfield $t is a composite of more than
one standard subfield and the punctuation prescribed by the cataloguing rules used by the bibliographic
agency is used to separate the elements.
When the title of the work is structured (indicator 2 ='''1''') subfield $t is the title by which the work is known
without any qualifications or mention of any part.
This subfield should be present whenever field [[241 ]] is used.
The original language of the work, when required as part of the title of the work.
Не повторюється. If thework is in more than one language, all languages should be entered in a single subfield $f.
===$k Other distinguishing characteristics of a work [Work]===
The identifier for the authority record for the expression as identified by the name/title authorized access
point identifying the expression. This subfield is for use with UNIMARC Authorities format field [[auth/242|242AUTHORIZED ACCESS POINT – NAME/TITLE (EXPRESSION)]].
Не повторюється.