15 550
Для постійних організацій, в офіційних назвах яких їх правова форма наводиться в кінці, заголовок в полі 710 формується без інверсії (значення другого індикатора рівне «'''2'''»).
The form of the name which appears in this field is determined by the appropriate cataloguing rules
and/or authorities used by the agency responsible for the preparation of the record.
It may not always appear obvious, when presented with a source record to be converted to UNIMARC,
which sub-elements of the name in a source format correspond to which UNIMARC subfields. These
notes are intended to give general guidance but are not exhaustive. It is necessary to be aware that names
formed according to different cataloguing rules or even originating from different authority files based
on the same rules will not always interfile correctly in one sequence. Until further standards are
established UNIMARC can provide only a framework for identifying the distinct data elements.
Corporate names are problematic since many corporate bodies do not have a precise name which remains
constant. Furthermore individual cataloguing rules formalise the names in different ways and therefore
use different kinds of data elements.
'''Inverted data:'''
One type of name which often presents difficulties is a corporate name formed from a personal name,
e.g., W. H. Smith & Sons Ltd, J. F. Kennedy Center, Winston Churchill Memorial Centre. Some
cataloguing codes stipulate that these should be entered in direct order in subfield $a; other rules require
that the names be treated as a personal name and inverted hence coded in subfields $g and $h.
UNIMARC accommodates both possibilities (EX 9, 10, 14).
'''Entry under place:'''
Names of governments at all levels, e.g. national, provincial, and local, are formalisations of a different
kind. Many such bodies have long formal names, but the practice of cataloguing codes is generally to
take a short name of the place, e.g., France, Australia, rather than the formal name (Republic of France,
Commonwealth of Australia) (EX 7). Subordinate governmental bodies are often prefixed with the name
of the government (EX 5, 6). Cataloguing rules vary as to whether bodies under government control but
without legislative or executive power, such as national museums, are entered under the name of the
government or under their own names. If entered under their own name, e.g., Civic Museum, they may
need a qualification to distinguish between other organisations of the same name in other places. Some
cataloguing rules have a further category of organisation entered under name of place: bodies like
universities, learned societies etc. which are specifically attached to a place and tend to have the place
name as part of their name; these may formalised in such a way as to bring the name of the place to the
fore (EX 15). The remainder of the name will be stripped of connecting prepositions; thus it is not
strictly an inversion.
Guidance may be required on what elements are to be considered qualifications and hence are to be
entered in subfield $c. This may be a place added in order to distinguish the body from others of the
same name, e.g., Liberal Party (Australia). It may be a statement of type of body to distinguish it from a
different type of body with the same name, e.g. Gibraltar (Diocese) to distinguish it from the colony, and
New York (State) to distinguish it from the city. A third kind of addition consists of a term added to a
name to convey that it is a corporate body, e.g., Eagles (Rugby club), Ecologica (Firm), HVJ (Radio
station) (EX 16). Usually cataloguing rules prescribe that the qualification be added in parentheses as in
the examples above.
'''Formalised additions to names of meetings:'''
There are no universally accepted standards for the data elements 'Number', 'Location' and 'Date of
meeting'. Numbers may be in Arabic or roman numerals, place names may be entered according to the
language of the record, or the language on the original (EX 11-14). The date may be entered in any
form, although for an exchange record, if month and day are required in the heading, the date in
international standard format (e.g., '19831101', for 1 November 1983) is recommended as it can easily be
converted into any language if desired.
There are no standards for punctuation in this field. It is recommended that punctuation be retained
where it is available in the source format. In source formats where punctuation is not available, but is
printed out by an algorithm generated from the definition of the subfields, it is recommended that the
punctuation which would be used in display be included in the UNIMARC record. This includes
parentheses which occur at the beginning and end of one or a group of subfields.
Because there are no standards for punctuation in this field, recipients of records in the UNIMARC
format will have to be aware of the practices adopted by the agency preparing the record. Agencies
distributing records should attempt to be consistent in their own records. Details should be included in
the documentation accompanying exchange tapes (See Appendix K).
== Співвіднесені п/пп==