15 556
EX 1
:[[304 |304]] ##$aVol.2 has title: Air Force colours
:An item entitled US Air Force colours is in two volumes. Volume 2 is entitled Air Force colours.
EX 2
:[[200 |200]] 1#$aWho did/done it$ea crime reader for students of English$fCarlos A.Yoico, L.A. Morse:[[304|304 ]] ##$aThe word 'done' in the title is crossed out.
:On the title page appear the words "Who did done it".
EX 3
:[[304 |304]] ##$aCover title
:The title proper is taken from the cover.
EX 4
:[[304 |304]] ##$aWritten by F.G. Cockman as if by Horace Mann
:A document has on its title page the text: Midland engineman by Horace Mann edited by F.G. Cockman. The document is known to have been written in the words of F.G. :Cockman who consulted and rewrote the account of Horace Mann.
EX 5
:[[304 |304]] ##$aParallel title: Les sйquestrйs d'Altona:A practice of the agency preparing the record is to include parallel titles proper as notes rather than entering them in the descriptive area. (Compare field [[312|312]], EX 3.)
EX 6
:[[304 |304]] ##$aPt. l / by George Lee Haskins -- Pt.2 / by Herbert A. Johnson
:The record is of volume 2 of History of the Supreme Court of the United States. The document is in two parts, each with its own statement of responsibility. This example makes use of ISBD punctuation.
EX 7
:[[200 |200]] l#$aPhilosophy and literary criticism$fedited by F.R. Leavis [et al.]:[[304 |304]] ##$aEdited by F.R. Leavis, A.C. Quine, A. Kenny and R. Quirk
:The cataloguing rules do not permit the inclusion of more than one name in the statement of responsibility when there are more than three names of persons responsible on the item. The names are entered in a note.
приклад 1
: [[304 |304]] ##$aАвтор встановлений по автогр. на екз. РНБ
приклад 2
: [[304 |304]] ##$aВ кінці присвячення: перевів колезький асесор Іван Іванов
приклад 3:
:[[304 |304]] ##$aНа обложке автор не указан
приклад 4:
:[[304 |304]] ##$aЗаглавие с вкладыша контейнера
:Обязательное примечание об источнике основного заглавия для электронных ресурсов.
приклад 5:
:[[304 |304]] ##$аУ рабоце над кнігай прымалі ўдзел: Л. І Доўнар, І. П. Кажура, Т. А. Самайлюк, В. Е. Лявончыкаў
приклад 6:
:[[304 |304]] ##$аАвторами являются также: К. И Коготь, В. П. Бердына, Р. А. Матвейчук, Т. Р. Прохоров
== Див. також ==