15 556
→Додаток L: Вичерпні приклади
==Додаток L: Вичерпні приклади==
Appendix L: Complete Examples IntroductionIn this Manual, examples of individual data elements are provided with each field. This Appendix provides complete examples illustrating, in particular, parallel data elements and links between records, since these features cannot easily be illustrated under a single field. These examples reflect the different origins of the records and are in no way intended to be prescriptive with respect to the form of the data.ExamplesEX 1RECORD LABEL: Character Pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values p a m 0 # #001 83.041470.3010 ## $a3‑515‑02355‑0$bkart.$dDM46.0 0020 ## $aDE$b88,A22,0260020 ## $aDE$b76,N46,0054100 ## $a19801020d1976####|||y0gery01######ba101 0# $aeng102 ## $aDE105 ## $a|||||||||0|y|200 1# $a¹NSB¹The ¹NSE¹phonology of Old High German$ee. Veroff. in Verbindung mit d. Forschungsinst. fur Dt. Sprache, Dt. Sprachatlas, Marburg, Lahn$fby Joseph B. Voyles$g(Skizzen u. Sonderzeichen: Hans‑Jurgen Jenkel. Kt.: Margot Schrey)210 ## $aWiesbaden$cSteiner$d1976215 ## $aXII, 323S.$c1 Kt.$d24cm225 0# $aZeitschrift fur Dialektologie und Linguistik / Beihefte300 ## $aLiteraturverz. S. 321‑323410 #1 $154011$aZeitschrift fur Dialektologie und Linguistik / Beihefte606 ## $aPhonologie606 ## $aAlthochdeutsche$xo. a. Sprache700 #1 $aVoyles,$bJoseph B.801 #3 $aDE$bGyFmDBIn this example the fill character is used in fields 100 and 105 since the source format does not provide the data. The title of the series containing the work is entered in an embedded field within the 410 SERIES linking entry field.EX 2:RECORD LABEL: Character Pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 0 # #001 82‑119342010 ## $a0‑96905‑830‑6$bpbk100 ## $al9820526dl981####|||y0engy01######ba 101 0# $aeng$afre102 ## $aCA 200 1# $aUnion list of music periodicals in Canadian libraries$d= Inventaire des publications en série sur la musique dans les bibliothèques canadiennes 205 ## $a2nd ed.$fedited by Larry C. Lewis$d= 2e éd.$frédigé par Larry C. Lewis 210 ## $a0ttawa$cCanadian Association of Music Libraries$c= Association canadienne des bibliothèques musicales$d1981 215 ## $a293 columns$d22 x 36cm 225 ## $aPublications$fCanadian Association of Music Libraries$f= Association canadienne des bibliothèques musicales$v2 300 ## $aEnglish and French 305 ## $aRev. ed. of: Union list of music periodicals in Canadian libraries / complied by a committee of the Canadian Library Association 410 1# $1200#0$aPublications (Canadian Association of Music Libraries)$v2 510 1# $aInventaire des publications en série sur la musique dans les bibliothèques canadiennes 606 ## $aMusic$xPeriodicals$xBibliograph y$xUnion lists702 #1 $aLewis,$bLarry C.712 02 $aCanadian Association of Music Libraries712 02 $aCanadian Library Association801 #0 $aCA$bCaOONL$c19820519801 #3 $aCA$bCaOONL$c19820526Parallel data transcribed from the item occurs in fields 200, 205, 210 and 225. The access point form of the parallel title is entered in field 510. The title of the series containing the record is entered in an embedded field within the 410 SERIES linking entry field.EX 3This example consists of the records of two continuing resources (3a, 3b) which merge to form a new continuing resource (3c). In addition the first continuing resource has a supplement (3d).EX 3a:RECORD LABEL: Character Pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a s 0 1 #001 B8132254011 ## $a0261‑6726$d£0.20 per issue020 ## $aGB$bB8132254100 ## $a19811005b19811982|||y0engy0 1######ba101 0# $aeng102 ## $aGB110 ## $aacaz###0yy0200 1# $aGirl207 #1$aNo. 1 (14th Feb. 1981) ‑no. 65 (26th Apr. 1982)210 ## $aLondon$cIPC Magazines$d1981‑1982215 ## $av.$cchiefly ill.$d30cm326 ## $aWeekly421 ## $1001B8211156447 #1 $1001B8207648447 #1 $1001B8233867530 1# $aGirl$b(London. 1981) 676 ## $a052$v18676 ## $a052$v19801 #3 $aGB$bUk$19821215EX 3bRECORD LABEL: Character Pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a s 0 1 #001 B8207648011 ## $a0262‑1185$d£0.20 per issue020 ## $aGB$bb8207648100 ## $a19820301b19811982|||0engy01######ba101 0# $aeng102 ## $aGB110 ## $aacazzzsz0yy0200 1# $aDreamer207 #1 $aNo.1 (19th Sept. 1981) ‑no.35 (17th May 1982)210 ## $aLondon$cIPC Magazines$d1981‑1982215 ## $av.$cchiefly ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.)$d30cm326 ## $aWeekly447 #1 $1001B8132254447 #1 $1001B8238867530 #1 $aDreamer$b (London)676 ## $a741.5942$v18676 ## $a741.5942$v19801 #3 $aGB$bUk$c19821216EX 3cRECORD LABEL: Character Pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a s 0 1 #001 B8238867011 ## $a0000‑0000$df0.22020 ## $aGB$b8233867100 ## $a19821025a19829999|||yengy0 1######ba101 0# $aeng102 ## $aGB110 ## $aacax###0yy0200 1# $aGirl & dreamer207 #1 $aNo. 67 (22nd May 1982)‑210 ## $aLondon$cIPC Magazines$d1982‑215 ## $av.$cill. (some col.), ports. (some col)$d30cm326 ## $aWeekly436 #1 $1001B8132254436 #1 $1001B8207648532 13 $aGirl and dreamer676 ## $a052$v18676 ## $a052$v19801 #3 $aGB$bUk$c19821216No key title or ISSN has yet been assigned to this recordEX 3d RECORD LABEL: Character Pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a s 0 1 #001 B8211156011 ##$a0262‑9208$d$2.25020 ## $aGB$bB8211156100 ## $a19820402a19819999|||y0engy 01######ba101 0# $aeng102 ## $aGB110 ## $azkaz###0yy0200 1# $aGirl annual207 #1 $a1982‑210 ## $aLondon$cIPC Magazines$d1981‑315 ## $ay,$cill. (some col.), ports$d28cm326 ## $aAnnual422 #1 $1001B8132254530 0# $aGirl annual676 ## $a823.91$v18676 ## $a082$v19801 #3 $aGB$bUk$c19821216This is treated as a supplement to the periodical.EX 4The following illustrates a complete record as entered on tape. In this example, '$' stands for the subfield identifier IS1, '@' stands for the field separator control character IS2, and '%' stands for the record separator IS3. RECORD LABEL00798nas0#22002531##450#DIRECTORY (commas separate tag, length of field and starting position. These (and the spaces) have been added for clarity: they do not appear in the record)001,0009,00000 011,0031,00009 020,0017,00040 100,0041,00057 101,0008,00098 102,0007,00106 110,0016,00113 200,0009,00129 207,0051,00138 210,0037,00189 215,0027,00226 326,0011,00253 421,0054,00264 447,0050,00318 447,0041,00368 530,0025,00409 670,0077,00434 676,0012,00511 801,0021,00523@DATA FIELDS (the tags have been added above the data for clarity: they do not appear in the record)001 011 020B8132254@##$a0261-6726$d£0.20 per issue@##$aGB$bB8132254@100 101 102 110##$a19811005b19811982|||y0engy01#######a@0#$aeng@##$aGB@##$aacaz###0yy0@200 2071#$aGirl@#1$aNo. 1 (14th Feb. 1981) – no. 65 (26th Apr. 1982)@210 215 326##$aLondon$cIPC Magazines$d1981-1982@##$av.$cchiefly ill.$d30cm@##$aWeekly@ 421#1$1001B8211156$1011##$a0262-9208$12001#$aGirl annual@447#1$1001B8207648$1011##$a0262-1185$12001#$aDreamer@447 530#1$1001B8233867$12001#$aGirl and dreamer@1#$aGirl$b(London, 1981)@670##$b0225398$c*z11030*serials in English*igirls'*z60030*atexts$e0000167$ztexts676 801##$a052$v19@#3$aGB$bUk$c19821216@% EX 5In this example, from the Bibliographie nationale française – Livres, the fill characters are used in field 105 since the source format does not provide the data. The title of the series containing the work is entered in 410 field according to the standard subfields technique. RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 0 # #001 frBN001148436010 ## $bRel.$d76,64 F020 ## $aFR$b08009319021 ## $aFR$bD.L. 80-01212100 ## $a19800404d1979####m##y0frey0103####ba101 0# $afre102 ## $aFR105 ## $aa###zz 00|a|106 ## $ar200 1# $a≠NSB≠Les ≠NSE≠mains sales$fJean-Paul Sartre$gillustrations... de Tibor Csernus210 ## $aParis$b5, rue Sébastien Bottin, 75007$cBibliothèque des chefs-d'oeuvre$a[Paris] $cdiffusion Rombaldi$d1979$eimpr. en Espagne215 ## $a299 p.-[8] f. de pl. en coul.$d24 cm225 2# $aPrésence de la littérature410 #0 $3frBN004096788$tPrésence de la littérature$x0245-4335$v3675 ## $a82$vÉd. 1967676 ## $a820700 #1 $3frBN001331875$aSartre$bJean-Paul702 #1 $3frBN00064443X$aCsernus$bTibor$4440801 #3 $aFR$bBN$c20010319$gAFNOR EX 6 Note that the language code "hrv" used in these examples is a local system code, not an ISO 639-2 code. BOUND ITEMS (Linking records using the embedded fields technique) The copy of Georg Werner's work De admirandis Hungariae aquis hypomnemation (Wien, 1551) has two bound works: Feliks Petančić's De itineribus in Turciam libellus (Wien, 1522) and Franjo Črnko's Historia Sigethi (Wien, 1568). Each item was originally published/printed separately and is thus considered a separate bibliographic item that is described in a separate bibliographic record. The link between bibliographic records is established by using linking fields 481 Also Bound in this volume and 482 Bound with. They are used according to Option 1 described in UNIMARC Guideline no. 3. RECORD 6a RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values i a m 0 # #001 950801013100 ## $a19950801d1551.......y0hrvy0103....ba101 0# $alat102 ## $aAT140 ## $aa.......a........yyyb.1000141 ## $ab..b1dd$5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124200 1# $aDe admirandis Hungariae aquis hypomnemation$fGeorgio Wernhero autore210 ## $aViennae Austriae$cexcudebat Egidius Aquila$danno Domini 1551. mense Septembri215 ## $a[5], 20 listova$cilustr.$d8o (19 cm)300 ## $aPodaci o izdavanju iz kolofona 316 ## $aPrivezano: 1. Petančić, Feliks. De itineribus in Turciam libellus. Viennae Austriae, 1522. 2.Črnko, Franjo. Historia Sigethi. Viennae Austriae, 1568. 316 ## $aNa 2. oštećenom knjigoveškom listu bilješka iz 1672.$5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124 318 ## $aPregledano$c19950801$lOštećene korice, nasl. list i rubovi ostalih listova $nRestaurirati uvez i knjižni blok$5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124 481 #0 $1001950801022$12000#$aDe itineribus in Turciam libellus$5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124 privez 1 481 #0 $1001 950801023$1200 0#$aHistoria Sigethi$5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124 privez 2 620 ## $3210705074$dWien$aAustrija686 ## $a320-8a$2NSK700 #1 $3950801021$aWerner$bGeorg702 11 $3930323099$aAdler$bAegidius$4750801 #0 $aHR$bNSK, R$gHR PPIAK980 ## $bC990 ## $aRIIF-8o-124990 ## $aR 2.632 (st. sig.) RECORD 6b RECORD LABEL Character pos 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values i a m 0 # #001 950801022100 ## $a19950801d1522.......y0hrvy0103....ba101 0# $alat102 ## $aAT140 ## $aa.......a........yyya.1000141 ## $ab..b1dd$5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124 privez 1200 1# $aDe itineribus in Turciam libellus$fFelice Petantio canellario Segniae autore 210 ## $aImprimebat Viennae Austriae$cIoannes Singrenius chalcographus$danno sal. 1522. pridie callendas Iulii215 ## $a[10] listova$d8o (19 cm)300 ## $aJed. oblik autorova imena: Feliks Petančić 300 ## $aSig: A2-C4 321 1# $aJurić. Scriptores, sv. 1/1, str. 438 482 #0 $1001950801013$1200 0#$aDe admirandis Hungariae aquis hypomnemation $5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124620 ## $3210705074$dWien$aAustrija686 ## $a143$2NSK700 #1 $3950801022$aPetančić$bFeliks702 11 $3950801023$aSingriener$bJohann$4750801 #0 $aHR$bNSK, R$gHR PPIAK980 ## $bC990 ## $aRIIF-8o-124 privez 1 RECORD 6c RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values i a m 0 # #001 950801023100 ## $a19950801d1568.......y0hrvy0103....ba101 1# $alat$chrv102 ## $aAT140 ## $aa.......a........yyya.1000141 ## $ab..b1dd$5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124 privez 2200 1# $aHistoria Sigethi, totius Sclavoniae fortissimi propugnaculi, quod a Solymano Turcarum Imperatore nuper captum Christianisq. eruptum est$fex Croatico sermone in Latinum conuersa per m. Samuelem Budinam Labacensem205 ## $a[2. izd.] 210 ## $aViennae Austriae$cex officina Caspari Stainhoferi$d1568.215 ## $a[38] listova$d8o (19 cm)300 ## $aIzv. stv. nasl.: Podsjedanje i osvojenje Sigeta / Franjo Črnko 300 ## $a1. izd.: Viennae, 1567. Jurić. Scriptores, sv. 1/1, str. 138 300 ## $aSig.: A4-I6 316 ## $aNa dnu nasl. str. bilješka na lat. jeziku$5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124 privez 2 321 1# $aJurić. Scriptores, sv. 1/1, str. 138 482 #0 $1001950801013$12000#$aDe admirandis Hungariae aquis hypomnemation $5CiZaNSK: RIIF-8o-124 500 10 $3950801040$aPodsjedanje i osvojenje Sigeta$mlatinski prijevod620 ## $3210705074$dWien$aAustrija686 ## $a147/146$2NSK700 #1 $3930302138$aČrnko$bFranjo702 11 $3950801039$aBudina$bSamuel$4730702 11 $3930511051$aStainhofer$bKaspar$4750801 #0 $aHR$bNSK, R$gHR PPIAK980 ## $bC990 ## $aNSK Zagreb RIIF-8o-124 privez 2 EX 7 Note that the language code "hrv" used in these examples is a local system code, not an ISO 639-2 code. RECORD 7a Remotely accessed serial publication Record Identifier, ISSN and Key Title are entered in embedded fields in the field 452, Other Edition in Another Medium, to link the record for the remotely accessed serial publication to its printed version. RECORD LABEL Character pos 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n l s 0 # #001 400317053 011 ## $a1332-702X 100 ## $a20000317a19979999...y0hrvy0103....ba 101 0# $ahrv 102 ## $aHR 110 ## $aaaaz...0xx0co 135 ## $avr 200 1# $aInternet monitor$bElektronička građa$f[glavni urednik Željko Anderlon] 207 #0 $a1997, [br.1](rujan)- 210 ## $aZagreb$cMonitor plus$d1997- 230 ## $aNovine 300 ## $aOpis građe dana 24. 08. 2000.304 ## $aStv. nasl. preuzet iz HTML zaglavlja 326 ## $aDnevno 452 #1 $1001971111072$1011##$a1331-3843$15301#$aInternet monitor$bTisak $vgod. 1, br. 1(1997)-god. 2, br. 1(1998) 530 1# $aInternet monitor$bOnline 531 ## $aInternet monit.$bOnline 675 ## $a681.3802 ## $a30 856 4# $uhttp://www.monitor.hrRECORD 7b Printed continuing resource: Other edition in another medium (ceased) Record Identifier, ISSN and Key Title are entered in embedded fields in the field 452, Other Edition in Another Medium to link the record for the printed version to its remotely accessed serial publication. The link from this record is also made to the record describing supplement on CD-ROM which is itself treated as a separate continuing resource (separate ISSN and Key Title). Record Identifier, ISSN and Key Title are entered in embedded fields in the field 421, Supplement. Both the printed continuing resource and the supplement ceased to be published. RECORD LABEL Character pos 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a s 1 # #001 971111072 011 ## $a1331-3843 020 ## $aHR$b HS97-0493 100 ## $a19971111b19971998...y0hrvy0103....ba 101 0# $ahrv 102 ## $aHR 110 ## $aafa....0xx0tx 200 1# $aInternet monitor$e magazin za Internet, shareware, multimediju i pop kulturu $f[glavni i odgovorni urednik Željko Anderlon] 207 #0 $a[God.]1, br. 1(rujan 1997)-[god.] 2, br. 1(travanj 1998)210 ## $aZagreb$c Monitor informatika$d 1997-1998 215 ## $cIlustr. (pretežno u bojama)$d 29 cm 326 ## $aMjesečno 421 #1 $1001 980710006$1011##$a1332-7038$15301#$aInternet monitor off-line452 #1 $1001 400317053$1011##$a1332-702X$15301#$aInternet monitor$bOnline 530 1# $aInternet monitor$bTisak 531 ## $aInternet monit.$bTisak 675 ## $a681.3 801 #0 $aHR$bNSK$gHR PPIAK 802 ## $a30 RECORD 7c Supplement (CD-ROM) of printed edition (ceased) The link from this record is made to the record describing the printed parent of supplement. Record Identifier, ISSN and Key Title are entered in embedded fields in the field 422, Parent of Supplement RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n l s 0 # #001 980710006 011 ## $a1332-7038 100 ## $a19980710b19971998...y0hrvy0103....ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aHR 110 ## $aafaz...0xx0cd 135 ## $avo 200 1# $aInternet monitor off-line$bElektronička građa 207 #0 $a1997, [br. 1](rujan)-1998, br. 6(travanj) 210 ## $aZagreb$cMonitor informatika$d1997-1998 215 ## $a6 optičkih diskova (CD-ROM)$d12 cm 230 ## $aProgrami i podaci 300 ## $aOpis prema 1998, br.6 304 ## $aStv. nasl. s naljepnice diska326 ## $aMjesečno 337 ## $aZahtijeva: IBM PC ili kompatibilni; Windows; 4 MB RAM-a; čitač CD-ROM-a 422 #1 $1001 971111072$1011##$a1331-3843$15301#$aInternet monitor$bTisak 530 0# $aInternet monitor off-line 531 ## $aInternet monit. off-line 675 ## $a681.3 801 #0 $aHR$b NSK$gHR PPIAK 802 ## $a30 EX 8 An example from the catalogue of Judaica of the Lithunaian National M. Mazvidas Library EX 9An example of a multivolume work, provided by the National Library of Russia. RECORD 9A: Collective set (common part of description) RECORD LABEL Character pos 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 1 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\154933005 20010517120627.0100 ## $a20010514g20009999k##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus$aeng102 ## $aRU105 ## $a||||z###100yy200 1# $aНаучные труды IV Международного семинара "Современные проблемы прочности" имени В.А. Лихачева, Старая Русса, 18-22 сентября 2000 года210 ## $aВеликий Новгород$cНовГУ$d2000215 ## $d20 см300 ## $aВ надзаг.: М-во образования Рос. Федерации. Голов. совет "Машиностроение", Межгос. координац. совет по физике прочности и пластичности, Междунар. акад. информатизации и др.606 0# $3RU\NLR\auth-sh\1265762$aПрочность$jСъезды, совещания и т.п.$2nlr-sh1686 ## $aЖ121.03я431$2rubbk710 12 $3RU\NLR\auth-ka\10031193$a"Современные проблемы прочности", международный семинар$d4$f2000$eСтарая Русса801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010514$gPSBO RECORD 9b: Volume 1 in set (specification). RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 2 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\153539005 20010517121457.0021 ## $aRU$b2001-3894п100 ## $a20010507d2000####k##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus$aeng102 ## $aRU105 ## $aa###z###100yy200 0# $aТ. 1210 ## $`d2000215 ## $a316 с.$cил.300 ## $aЧасть текста на англ. яз.320 ## $aБиблиогр. в конце ст.461 #0 $1001RU\NLR\bibl\154933$12001#$aНаучные труды IV Международного семинара "Современные проблемы прочности" имени В.А. Лихачева, 18-22 сентября 2000 года, Старая Русса$vТ. 1801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010507$gPSBO EX 10RECORD 10a: Collective set (common part of description) RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 1 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\153030005 20010518133242.0100 ## $a20010504g20009999k##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU105 ## $a||||z###100yy200 1# $aНепрерывное педагогическое образование: состояние, тенденции, перспективы развития$eМатериалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., 16-18 нояб. 2000 г. $f[Редкол.: В.А. Сластенин (науч. ред.) и др.]210 ## $aЛипецк$aМосква$cЛГПУ$d2000215 ## $d20 см300 ## $aВ надзаг.: Междунар. акад. наук пед. образования, Совет по пед. образованию при МО РФ, Липец. гос. пед. ун-т, Науч.-метод. центр непрерыв. пед. образования МАНПО на базе ЛГПУ606 0# $3RU\NLR\auth-sh\1271983$aПедагогическое образование непрерывное $jСборники$2nlr-sh1606 0# $3RU\NLR\auth-sh\1271984$aПедагогическое образование непрерывное $jСъезды, совещания и т.п.$2nlr-sh1686 ## $aЧ489.514(2)7$2rubbk702 #1 $3RU\NLR\auth-ind\952$aСластенин$bВ. А.$gВиталий Алексанлрович $f1930 - $4340712 02 $3RU\NLR\auth-ka\9992507$aМеждународная академия наук педагогического образования$4570712 01 $3RU\NLR\auth-ka\10014312$aРоссийская Федерация$bМинистерство общего и профессионального образования$bСовет по педагогическому образованию$4570 712 02 $3RU\NLR\auth-ka\9929811$aЛипецкий педагогический университет$4570801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010504$gPSBO RECORD 10b: Part 1 in set (specification). RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 2 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\152242005 20010518133827.0100 ## $a20010427d2000####k##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU105 ## $ay###z###100yy200 0# $aЧ. 1210 ## $d2000215 ## $a67,[1] с.461 #0 $1001RU\NLR\bibl\153030$12001#$aНепрерывное педагогическое образование: состояние, тенденции, перспективы развития $eМатериалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., 16-18 нояб. 2000 г.$f[Редкол.: В.А. Сластенин (науч. ред.) и др.] $vЧ. 1801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427$gPSBO RECORD 10c: Part 2 in set. RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 2 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\152246005 20010518134020.0100 ## $a20010427d2000####k##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU105 ## $aa###z###100yy200 0# $aЧ. 2210 ## $d2000215 ## $a35,[1] с.$cил.461 #0 $1001RU\NLR\bibl\153030$12001#$aНепрерывное педагогическое образование: состояние, тенденции, перспективы развития $eМатериалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., 16-18 нояб. 2000 г.$f[Редкол.: В.А. Сластенин (науч. ред.) и др.]$vЧ. 2801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427$gPSBORECORD 10d: Part 3 in set. RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 2 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\152249005 20010518134218.0100 ## $a20010427d2000####k##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU105 ## $aa###z###100yy 200 0# $aЧ. 3210 ## $d2000215 ## $a46,[1] с.$cил.461 #0 $1001RU\NLR\bibl\153030$12001#$aНепрерывное педагогическое образование: состояние, тенденции, перспективы развития $eМатериалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., 16-18 нояб. 2000 г.$f[Редкол.: В.А. Сластенин (науч. ред.) и др.]$vЧ. 3801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427$gPSBO RECORD 10e: Part 4 in set. RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 2 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\152252005 20010518134438.0100 ## $a20010427d2000####k##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU105 ## $aa###z###100yy200 0# $aЧ. 4210 ## $d2000215 ## $a46,[2] с.$cил.461 #0 $1001RU\NLR\bibl\153030$12001#$aНепрерывное педагогическое образование: состояние, тенденции, перспективы развития $eМатериалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., 16-18 нояб. 2000 г.$f[Редкол.: В.А. Сластенин (науч. ред.) и др.] $vЧ. 4801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427$gPSBO RECORD 10f: Part 5 in set. RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 2 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\152255005 20010518134654.0100 ## $a20010427d2000####k##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU105 ## $ay###z###100yy200 0# $aЧ. 5210 ## $d2000215 ## $a39,[2] с.461 #0 $1001RU\NLR\bibl\153030$12001#$aНепрерывное педагогическое образование: состояние, тенденции, перспективы развития$eМатериалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., 16-18 нояб. 2000 г.$f[Редкол.: В.А. Сластенин (науч. ред.) и др.] $vЧ. 5801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427$gPSBO EXAMPLE 11.Example of a record of a continuing resourceprovided by the National Library of Russia.RECORD 11a: Collective set (common part of description) RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a s 1 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\1896100 ## $a20010427a20009999u##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU110 ## $aahuz|||0uu0200 1# $aРыбное хозяйство$i<NSB>Сер. "<NSE>Корма и кормление в аквакультуре" $eИнформационный пакет$fВсероссийский научно-исследовательский и проектно-конструкторский институт экономики, информации и автоматизированных систем управления рыбного хозяйства210 ## $aМ.$cВсероссийский научно-исследовательский и проектно-конструкторский институт экономики, информации и автоматизированных систем управления рыбного хозяйства$d2000 - 326 ## $aВыходит 4 раза в год606 1#$3RU\NLR\auth-sh\127547$aКорма для рыб$jСборники$2nlr-sh1686 ## $aП728-45я54$2rubbk712 02 $3RU\NLR\auth-ka\4224$aВсероссийский научно-исследовательский и проектно-конструкторский институт экономики, информации и автоматизированных систем управления рыбного хозяйства801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010420$gpsbo801 #1 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427 RECORD 11b: Issue in set (specification).Record of single part RECORD LABEL Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 2 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\1896.1100 ## $a20010427d2000####u##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU105 ## $aa###z###000yy200 0# $a2000, вып. 1461 #0 $1001RU\NLR\bibl\1896$1200 1#$aРыбное хозяйство$i<NSB>Сер. "<NSE>Корма и кормление в аквакультуре"801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010420$gpsbo801 #1 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427 EXAMPLE 12This example illustrates the link from a piece to the parent item using linking fied 461. RECORD 12a: Collective set (common part of description). RECORD LABEL . Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a s 1 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\4921100 ##$a20010514a20009999u##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU110 ## $aayuz|||0uy0 200 1# $aВестник Хабаровской государственной академии экономики и права $eНаучный и общественно-публицистический журнал$fХабаровская государственная академия экономики и права210 ## $aХабаровск$cХГАЭП$d2000 - 606 1# $3RU\NLR\auth-sh\980078$aЭкономика$jПериодические издания$2nlr-sh1606 1# $3RU\NLR\auth-sh\4055$aПраво$jПериодические издания$2nlr-sh1686 ## $aУ.я54$2rubbk686 ## $aХ.я54$2rubbk710 02 $3RU\NLR\auth-ka\9925966$aХабаровская академия экономики и права801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427$gpsbo801 #1 $aRU$bNLR$c20010514 RECORD 12b: Piece in set (specification). RECORD LABEL . Character pos. 5 6 7 8 17 18 Values n a m 2 # i001 RU\NLR\bibl\4921.1021 ## $aRU$b2000-15628100 ## $a20010514j200004##u##y0rusy0102####ca101 0# $arus102 ## $aRU105 ## $aa###z###001yy200 0# $a2000, N 1 (апрель)461 #0 $1001RU\NLR\bibl\4921$1200 1#$aВестник Хабаровской государственной академии экономики и права801 #0 $aRU$bNLR$c20010427$gpsbo801 #1 $aRU$bNLR$c20010514
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