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Відмінності між версіями «Оновлення UNIMARC/Authorities»

Рядок 1: Рядок 1:
This list contains all updates (in PDF format) to [https://www.ifla.org/publications/ifla-series-on-bibliographic-control-36 UNIMARC/Authorities, 3rd ed]., 2009, approved in the periods 2009-2012 (marked as 2012) and 2013-2017 (marked with the year, in''' bold''').
'''Guidelines for Use -''' Correspondence between UNIMARC/Authorities and UNIMARC/Bibliographic ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/1_u-a_correspondence_update.pdf" оновлення 2012]) ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_correspondance_update2016.pdf" '''оновлення 2016'''])
'''Field List''' ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_fieldlist_update2016.pdf" '''оновлення 2016'''])
'''Format 0-8 Field List''' ('''[https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_format_0-8_update2016.pdf" оновлення 2016]''')
'''Record label''' ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_reclabel_update2017.pdf" '''оновлення 2017'''])
'''010''' - International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) ('''[https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_010_new2016.pdf" нове 2016]''')
'''017''' - Other Identifier ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_017_new2017.pdf" '''нове 2017'''])
'''033 -''' Other System Persistent Record Identifier ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/3_u-a_033.pdf" нове 2012])
'''101 - '''Language of the Entity ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/4_u-a_101_update.pdf" оновлення 2012])
'''122''' - Coded Data Field: Time Period of Work Content ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/5_u-a_122.pdf" нове 2012])
'''123 '''- Coded Data Field: Territorial or Geographical Name ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_123_update2016.pdf" '''оновлення 2016'''])
'''127''' - Coded Data Field: Duration of Sound Recordings, Visual Projections, Musical Compositions and Performances ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/6_u-a_127.pdf" нове 2012])
'''128''' - Coded Data Field: Form of Musical Work and Key or Mode ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/7_u-a_128.pdf" нове 2012])
'''Control Subfield''' '''$2''': System Code ('''[https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_control_subfields_2_update2016.pdf" оновлення 2016]''')
'''Control Subfield $4''': Relator Code ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/8_u-a_subfield_4_in_5-0_and_240.pdf" оновлення 2012])
'''Control Subfield $5''': Relationship Control ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/9_u-a_subfield_5_update.pdf оновлення 2012]) ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_subfield_5_update2017.pdf" '''оновлення 2017'''])
'''Control Subfield''' '''$6''': Interfield Linking Data ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_control_subfields_6_update2016.pdf" '''оновлення 2016'''])
'''2x0''' - Authorized Access Point - Names ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_2x0_update2016.pdf" '''оновлення 2016'''])
'''x31''' - Authorized Access Point - Title (Work) ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/10_u-a_-31_fields.pdf" нове 2012])
'''x32 -''' Authorized Access Point - Title (Expression) (Provisional) ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/11_u-a_-32_fields.pdf" нове 2012])
'''x41''' - Authorized Access Point - Name/Title (Work) ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/12_u-a_-41_fields.pdf" нове 2012])
'''x42''' - Authorized Access Point - Name/Title (Expression) ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/13_u-a_-42_fields.pdf" нове 2012])
'''333''' - Users/Intended Audience Note ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/14_u-a_333.pdf" нове 2012])
'''340 '''- Biography and Activity Note ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_340_update2016.pdf" '''оновлення 2016'''])
'''4x0''' - Variant Access Point- Names ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_4x0_update2016.pdf" '''оновлення 2016'''])
'''5x0 -''' Related Access Point - Names ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/15_u-a_5-1_update.pdf оновлення 2012]) ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_5x0_update2016.pdf" '''update 2016'''])
'''501''' - Related Access Point - Personal Name With Responsibility for the Work ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/16_u-a_501.pdf" нове 2012])
'''502''' - Related Access Point - Personal Name for a Contributor Associated with the Expression ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/17_u-a_502.pdf" нове 2012])
'''511''' - Related Access Point - Corporate Body with Responsibility for the Work ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/18_u-a_511.pdf" нове 2012])
'''512''' - Related Access Point - Corporate Body Name for a Contributor Associated with the Expression ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/19_u-a_512.pdf" нове 2012])
'''521''' - Related Access Point - Family Name with Responsibility for the Work ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/20_u-a_521.pdf" нове 2012])
'''522 -''' Related Access Point - Family Name for a Contributor Associated with the Expression ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/21_u-a_522.pdf" нове 2012])
'''6xx''' - Subject Analysis and Entity History Block ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/22_u-a_6-_subject_analysis_block.pdf" оновлення 2012])
'''602 '''- Subject Access Point - Family Name ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_602_update2016.pdf" '''оновлення 2016'''])
'''Appendix O''' - Format Changes ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/24_u-a_format_changes_2012.pdf" оновлення 2012])
Cummulated Errata ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/25_u-a_3rd_ed_2009_errata.pdf" нове 2012])
Misprints ([https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/uca/unimarc_updates/AUTHORITIES/a_misprints2017.pdf" '''new 2017'''])
== Див. також ==
== Див. також ==
* [[UNIMARC для авторитетних нормативних записів]]
* [[UNIMARC для авторитетних нормативних записів]]
* [https://www.ifla.org/publications/unimarc-authorities--3rd-edition--updates?og=33 UNIMARC Authorities, 3rd edition (with updates)] (2012-2017)  (IFLA)
* [https://www.ifla.org/publications/unimarc-authorities--3rd-edition--updates?og=33 UNIMARC Authorities, 3rd edition (with updates)] (2012-2017)  (IFLA)
* [https://www.ifla.org/node/7950/ UNIMARC Authorities, 3rd edition. UPDATES 2012](2009-2012)  (IFLA)
* [https://www.ifla.org/node/7950/ UNIMARC Authorities, 3rd edition. UPDATES 2012](2009-2012)  (IFLA)

Версія за 16:22, 12 червня 2018

This list contains all updates (in PDF format) to UNIMARC/Authorities, 3rd ed., 2009, approved in the periods 2009-2012 (marked as 2012) and 2013-2017 (marked with the year, in bold).


Guidelines for Use - Correspondence between UNIMARC/Authorities and UNIMARC/Bibliographic (" оновлення 2012) (" оновлення 2016)

Field List (" оновлення 2016)

Format 0-8 Field List (" оновлення 2016)

Record label (" оновлення 2017)

010 - International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) (" нове 2016)

017 - Other Identifier (" нове 2017)

033 - Other System Persistent Record Identifier (" нове 2012)

101 - Language of the Entity (" оновлення 2012)

122 - Coded Data Field: Time Period of Work Content (" нове 2012)

123 - Coded Data Field: Territorial or Geographical Name (" оновлення 2016)

127 - Coded Data Field: Duration of Sound Recordings, Visual Projections, Musical Compositions and Performances (" нове 2012)

128 - Coded Data Field: Form of Musical Work and Key or Mode (" нове 2012)

Control Subfield $2: System Code (" оновлення 2016)

Control Subfield $4: Relator Code (" оновлення 2012)

Control Subfield $5: Relationship Control (оновлення 2012) (" оновлення 2017)

Control Subfield $6: Interfield Linking Data (" оновлення 2016)

2x0 - Authorized Access Point - Names (" оновлення 2016)

x31 - Authorized Access Point - Title (Work) (" нове 2012)

x32 - Authorized Access Point - Title (Expression) (Provisional) (" нове 2012)

x41 - Authorized Access Point - Name/Title (Work) (" нове 2012)

x42 - Authorized Access Point - Name/Title (Expression) (" нове 2012)

333 - Users/Intended Audience Note (" нове 2012)

340 - Biography and Activity Note (" оновлення 2016)

4x0 - Variant Access Point- Names (" оновлення 2016)

5x0 - Related Access Point - Names (оновлення 2012) (" update 2016)

501 - Related Access Point - Personal Name With Responsibility for the Work (" нове 2012)

502 - Related Access Point - Personal Name for a Contributor Associated with the Expression (" нове 2012)

511 - Related Access Point - Corporate Body with Responsibility for the Work (" нове 2012)

512 - Related Access Point - Corporate Body Name for a Contributor Associated with the Expression (" нове 2012)

521 - Related Access Point - Family Name with Responsibility for the Work (" нове 2012)

522 - Related Access Point - Family Name for a Contributor Associated with the Expression (" нове 2012)

6xx - Subject Analysis and Entity History Block (" оновлення 2012)

602 - Subject Access Point - Family Name (" оновлення 2016)

Appendix O - Format Changes (" оновлення 2012)

Cummulated Errata (" нове 2012)

Misprints (" new 2017)

Див. також