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Hold / 372 Notes on physical characteristics of an item

106 байтів додано, 09:18, 24 липня 2018
Dubyk перейменував сторінку з Hold/372 на Hold / 372 Notes on physical characteristics of an item
==372Notes on physical characteristics of an item==NOTES ON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ITEM==Field definition== 
This field contains a note on the physical medium, form or type of material of the item.
Optional. Repeatable.
Indicator 1: blank (not defined)
Indicator 2: blank (not defined)
 ==Subfields== ===$aText of note. === Not repeatable. ==Notes on field Contents== 
If more than one note is to be recorded, each is entered in a repeated field 372.
 ==Examples== ''EX 1'' :372'''<nowiki>##</nowiki>$aText, Braille''' ''EX 2'' :372 '''<nowiki>##</nowiki>$aElectronic resource'''
== Див. також ==