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Hold / Вступ

Версія від 16:31, 20 липня 2018, створена Dubyk (обговореннявнесок) (Dubyk перейменував сторінку з Hold/Introduction на Hold/Вступ)

1. Вступ

1.1 Purpose and Scope

The purposes of the UNIMARC Holdings Format are to facilitate the reporting of holdings data at national or international level and promote consistency in the communication of holdings information and location of an item.

The scope of the UNIMARC Holdings Format is to specify, in separate holdings records linked to the bibliographic records, the content designators (tags, indicators and subfields codes) to be assigned to holdings and to specify the logical and physical format of the records. It provides information related to the unique characteristics of continuing and non-continuing resources items, specifically, the owner entity, physical location, availability. Others specific information related with an item could be added in the holdings record according to the usage of the cataloguing agency.

The cataloguing agency may decide to use bibliographic fields in a UNIMARC Holdings Format record to record copy-specific information, instead of recording this information in a bibliographic format record. Thus, certain fields from the UNIMARC Bibliographic Format are validated in the UNIMARC Holdings Format, allowing institutions to put the data in either format record, using the same field numbers and same field contents.

The record format takes into account the data elements and the display requirements specified in ISO 10324-1997: Information and documentation - Holdings statements - Summary level.

1.2 Use

Each national bibliographic agency is responsible for the conversion of holdings records (or holdings fields) into the UNIMARC Holdings Format for transmission to other national agencies and can receive machine-readable records in the UNIMARC Holdings Format from other national agencies. The format is intended to provide the information required for a range of bibliographic activities, but not for all.

1.3 Format Maintenance

A committee of IFLA, the Permanent UNIMARC Committee (PUC), maintains the UNIMARC Holdings Format. Future changes to the format will be primarily defining additional fields, subfields and coded values where needed. Proposals for change will usually originate with those creating UNIMARC records or those using UNIMARC records. Changes will be made only through the Permanent UNIMARC Committee.

1.4 Standards

The structure of the UNIMARC Holdings Format assumes the use of the following standards:

ISO/IEC 646:1991 – Information technology – ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange
ISO 962:1974 – Information processing - Implementation of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7- bit and 8-bit extensions on 9-track 12.7mm (1/2 inch) magnetic tape.
ISO 1001:1986 – Information processing - File structure and labelling of magnetic tapes for information interchange.
ISO/IEC 2022:1994 – Information technology - Character code structure and extension techniques. 47p.
ISO/IEC 2022/Cor.1:1999.
ISO/IEC 2375:2003 – Information technology - Procedure for registration of escape sequences and coded character sets.
ISO 2709:1996 – Information and documentation - Format for information exchange.
ISO 3166-1:1997 – Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions -- Part 1: Country codes. Amendments issued occasionally.
ISO 3166-2:1998 – Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions --Part 2: Country subdivision codes.
ISO 3166-3:1999 – Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions -- Part 3: Code for formerly used names of countries.
ISO 6630:1986 – Documentation – Bibliographic control characters.
ISO 8601:2000 – Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - representation of dates and times.
ISO 10324:1997 – Information and documentation - Holdings statements - Summary level.
ISO 15511:2003– Information and documentation - International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL).

Other Related Documents

UNIMARC Manual – Bibliographic Format. – 2nd ed. – München : K.G. Saur, 1994. Updated by: Update 1 in 1996, Update 2 in 1998, Update 3 in 2000 and Update 4 in 2002

1.5 Definitions

The terms defined below are used in a special sense in UNIMARC Holdings; terms used in their normal bibliographic sense are not defined.

The following definitions are taken from ISO 10324:1997 Information and documentation – Holdings statements – summary level.
{See Glossary of terms and definitions in International Standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 9}

The definitions related to the concept of “continuing resource”, a concept which is not covered in ISO 10324, are taken from ISBD(CR)

Basic bibliographic unit:

Primary bibliographic unit for which holdings are being reported.

Note: Examples of basic bibliographic units are a book, a ten-volume encyclopaedia, a computer file, a map. A bibliographic item composed of several bibliographic units of which one does not predominate is considered to have multiple basic bibliographic units; examples include a multimedia kit or a musical score and parts. See also secondary bibliographic unit; bibliographic unit.

Bibliographic item; item:

Bibliographic unit or set of bibliographic units in any physical form, either serial or non-serial (Now a continuing or non-continuing resource (see ISBD(CR))) , that are published, issued or treated as an entity, and form the basis for a single bibliographic description.

Note: The bibliographic item is the entity referred to by the item identifier . Some bibliographic items consist of one or more basic bibliographic units; others consist of a basic bibliographic unit and one or more secondary bibliographic units. Examples of bibliographic items are: a single book, a set of maps, a musical score with parts, a compact digital disc, a multimedia kit, a manuscript collection, a microform journal, a videotape with an accompanying pamphlet, a loose-leaf publication together with its serially-issued updates (Loose-leaf publication with its serially-issued updates, are examples of integrated resources (see ISBD(CR))), a journal, a newspaper.

Bibliographic unit:

Discrete bibliographic entity that constitutes either the whole or a part of the bibliographic item.

Note: A bibliographic unit may be a basic bibliographic unit, or a secondary bibliographic unit; it may be a single -part unit, a multipart unit, or a serial unit. A bibliographic unit may or may not correspond to a physical unit. Examples of bibliographic units are: a single volume, a serial publication, a multivolume monograph, an accompanying pamphlet, a set of serially issued updates.

Call number:

Data element in the location data area indicating the physical location of a bibliographic item or bibliographic unit in a collection.

Composite statement:

Holdings statement consisting of information about a) two or more copies of a bibliographic item or bibliographic unit held at a single location or sublocation, or b) copies at two or more sublocations, consolidated into a single statement. See also copy-specific statement.

Continuing resource:

A bibliographic resource that is issued over time with no predetermined conclusion. Continuing resources include serials and ongoing integrating resources.

Copy-specific statement:

Holdings statement for a single copy of a bibliographic unit held at a single location. See also composite statement.

Holdings statement:

Record of the locations of a specific bibliographic item and, optionally, the units of that item held at the location.

Integrating unit:

Basic bibliographic unit or secondary unit that it added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole. Integrating units can be finite or continuing.


An instance of an integrating resource, either as first published or after it has been updated.

Multipart unit:

Basic bibliographic unit or secondary bibliographic unit that is composed of a number of separate physical units that is complete or intended to be complete in a finite number of parts.

Physical unit:

Discrete physical object that comprises the whole or part of the bibliographic unit.

Secondary bibliographic unit:

Discrete bibliographic unit that is supplementary or complementary to a basic bibliographic unit or to another secondary bibliographic unit.

Note: Examples of secondary bibliographic units are: a map in a pocket inside a book, a supplement to a newspaper, a separate index to a serial publication, a set of updates to a loose-leaf publication, or a pamphlet accompanying an audio disc. A secondary unit may itself be a single -part unit, multipart unit or serial unit. See also basic bibliographic unit; bibliographic unit.

Single -part unit:

Basic bibliographic unit or secondary bibliographic unit that is complete in a single physical unit.

Serial unit:

Basic bibliographic unit or secondary bibliographic unit that is issued in successive parts at regular or irregular intervals and intended to be continued indefinitely.

Summary holdings statement:

Holdings statement at the first (highest) level of enumeration, or chronology, or both, that records the units held at a location.

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