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Hold / 035 Other systems control number

Версія від 21:40, 13 січня 2019, створена Dubyk (обговореннявнесок) (035 Other systems control number)
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035 Other systems control number

Тег: 035

Назва поля: Other systems control number

Інші назви: Other systems control number (англ.)

Field definition

The field contains the control number of a holdings record or a bibliographic record obtained from other sources


Optional. Repeatable.


Indicator 1:

0 Number of a Holdings Record
1 Number of a Bibliographic Record

Indicator 2: blank (not defined)


$a System Control Number

A code for the organization in parentheses followed by the system control number for the record in that organization's database. The full name of the agency or a national code may be used. Not repeatable.

$z Cancelled or Invalid Control Number


Notes on field contents

The control number is stored in the form contributed.

Related Fields

The control number used as the unique identifier by the agency preparing the record.


EX 1

035 0#$a(PTBN)1003263
The original holdings record control number was assigned by the National Library of Portugal.

EX 2

035 1#$a(OCoLC)1553114$z(OCoLC)153114

The original bibliographic record control number was assigned by OCLC. The original number assigned was invalid and has been superseded.

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