360 Примітка щодо окремих елементів нумізматичного опису
Версія від 13:27, 5 листопада 2024, створена Dubyk (обговорення • внесок)
360 Примітка щодо особливостей нумізматичного опису
Тег: 360
Назва поля: Примітка щодо особливостей нумізматичного опису
Інші назви: Note on specific elements of numismatic description (англ.)
Field Definition and Scope
This field contains a note about specific elements of the design of a numismatic resource, such as monograms, control marks, dies, and punches. It may also include bibliographical references and/or a URI for these elements.
Subfields & Occurrence
Field/Subfield Name: Repeatability (R - Repeatable, NR - Not Repeatable), Occurrence (O - Optional, MA - Mandatory if Applicable) 360 NOTE ON SPECIFIC ELEMENTS OF NUMISMATIC DESCRIPTION: R, O $a: Text of Note (NR, MA) $b: Citation (R, O) $u: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) (R, O)
Indicator 1: Element Specifies the element of the numismatic resource described in this field. Values: #: Not specified / other 0: Monogram 1: Die 2: Punch 3: Control mark Indicator 2: Part of the Numismatic Resource Described Specifies which part of the numismatic resource is being described. Values: #: Unspecified / other 1: Obverse 2: Reverse 3: Edge
Indicator Descriptions
Indicator 1: Element Value 0 (Monogram): A symbol created by overlapping or combining letters or graphemes. Value 1 (Die): An engraved stamp used to impress designs on metal to make coins. Value 2 (Punch): Refers to early Indian silver coins bearing symbols applied with punches. Value 3 (Control mark): A mark distinguishing a numismatic unit as part of an issue or series, such as a mintmark.
Indicator 2: Part of the Numismatic Resource Described Specifies which part of the numismatic resource (e.g., obverse, reverse) is described.
Subfields Description
$a Text of Note Provides a descriptive note. Not repeatable. $b Citation Provides a citation identifying both the work and the element location. Repeatable if there are multiple references. $u Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) A unique identifier for web-based resources related to the element. Repeatable if multiple URIs are provided.
Related Fields
EX 1: 360 01$aMonogram 1 of Anthemius A, N, T, H, E, M$uhttp://numismatics.org/ocre/symbol/monogram.ric.10.anthemius.1 Description: A coin with a monogram of Anthemius on the obverse.
EX 2: 360 12$aCoin R1 (Le Rider)$bR1$bGeorges Le Rider, Le monnayage d’argent et d’or de Philippe II frappé en Macédoine de 359 à 294. Paris: E Bourgey, 1977, Coin R1. Description: A coin struck with a die referenced as R1 in Le Rider’s catalogue of Macedonian coins.
EX 3: 360 31$aP (Philadelphia) Description: A 1979 dollar coin with a “P” mint mark on the obverse, indicating it was minted in Philadelphia.
EX 4: 360 21$a3 Kiri stamps Description: A Japanese Oban from circa 1588 with 3 diamond-shaped stamps on the obverse.
2023: Field introduced.