Відкрити головне меню

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Hold / 172 Coded data field: Information service policy

Версія від 08:14, 24 липня 2018, створена Dubyk (обговореннявнесок) (Dubyk перейменував сторінку з Hold/172 на Hold / 172 Coded data field: Information service policy)
(різн.) ← Попередня версія • Поточна версія (різн.) • Новіша версія → (різн.)

172 Coded data field: Information service policy

This field contains coded data applicable to all types of holdings records, that indicates the general policy of consultation, external lending or reproduction for a bibliographic unit in general or for one of its physical units specified in the holdings record.


Mandatory. Not repeatable.


Indicator 1: blank (not defined)

Indicator 2: blank (not defined)


$a Coded data

Not repeatable.

Notes on Field Contents


a b c u Consultation policy = Information not available = Available = Available conditionally = Not available = Unknown

$a/1 Lending policy

  1. = Information not available

a = Will lend b = Will not lend c = Will lend restricted number of copies d = Restricted lending policy (details in field 371) u = Unknown

$a/2 Reproduction policy

  1. = Information not available

a = Will reproduce b = Will not reproduce c = Will reproduce under special conditions (details in field 371) u = Unknown

Related Field

371 Notes on information services policy


EX 1

172 ##$aaaa

Item available for consultation ($a/0 = a), lending ($a/1 = a) and reproduction ($a/2 = a)

EX 2

172 ##$aabb

Item available only for consultation ($a/0 = a), neither lending ($a/1 = b) nor reproduction ($a/2 = b) allowed.

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