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Hold / 345 Acquisition information note

Версія від 08:18, 24 липня 2018, створена Dubyk (обговореннявнесок) (Dubyk перейменував сторінку з Hold/345 на Hold / 345 Acquisition information note)
(різн.) ← Попередня версія • Поточна версія (різн.) • Новіша версія → (різн.)

345 Acquisition information note

Field definition

This field may contain the name and address of the publisher, distributor, or other source for acquisition. It may also include the stock number, the physical medium, and the terms of availability for the catalogued item or a different physical format version of the item.

This field may be used both in UNIMARC bibliographic record and in UNIMARC holdings record, according to the usage of the bibliographic agency.

The use of this field in UNIMARC holdings format is according to the usage of the same field in UNIMARC bibliographic format.

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