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922 байти додано, 17:56, 25 червня 2018
нема опису редагування
 ==3.1 Mandatory Fields== 
In addition to Record Label and Directory, the following fields must be present in the machine-
readable records.
 *001004100170171252801Record Identifier*004 Related Bibliographic Record Identifier*100 General Processing Data (certain data elements only)*170 Acquisition Status*171 Collection Management*252 Location and Call Number or 256 Electronic Location and Access*801 Originating Source 
The presence of other fields depends on the level of the holdings record that is controlled by the
practice of the bibliographic agency responsible for the creation of the record. However, if a data
element is present, it must be fully content designated according to the prescriptions defined in this
 ==3.2 Levels of Holdings Statements== According to the guidelines for applying ISO 10324 : 1997 ''Information and documentation –Holdings statements – summary level'', the holdings statement can have 3 levels: 
Level 1 holdings
 :Level 1 identifies the item and the holding institution. This level is sufficient for single -partitems, but gives no indication of extent of holdings for multipart items and continuing resourcesitems.:Report the institution identifier for each bibliographic item, regardless of retention policy orcompleteness of holdings. Minimally, it consists of an item identifier for the bibliographic itemfor which holdings are recorded and a location identifier. The item identifier may be contained infield 004 Related bibliographic record identifier. The location identifier is contained in subfield$a Institution identifier of field 252 Location and call number. 
Levels 2 and 3 holdings
:Level 2 adds to le vel 1 general guidance as to the extent of an institution's holdings. Minimally,in addition to the requirements for level 1, it could include:::Receipt or acquisition status (170 $a/0)::General retention policy (171 $a/0)::Completeness designator (171 $a/5) 
Level 3 includes a statement of summary extent of holdings.
:1. Determine the basic bibliographic unit(s) and the secondary bibliographic unit(s) for thebibliographic item.:2. Determine whether each unit is continuing resources, multipart or single -part.:3. Report general holdings (level 2) or extent of holdings (level 3) for each unit as indicatedunder the description of the data elements.12 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format
The summary holdings statement may be either open or closed. Minimally, in addition to the
requirements for level 2, it includes '''summary ''' holdings information, that is, holdings at the first
level of enumeration and chronology, in one or more of the following holdings data fields:
 *500 Caption and patterns – basic bibliographic unit*501 Caption and patterns – secondary bibliographic unit supplementary materials*502 Caption and patterns – secondary bibliographic unit indexes<br />*510 Enumeration and chronology - basic bibliographic unit*511 Enumeration and chronology - secondary bibliographic unit: supplementary materials*512 Enumeration and chronology - secondary bibliographic unit: indexes<br />*520 Textual holdings - basic bibliographic unit*521 Textual holdings - secondary bibliographic unit: supplementary materials*522 Textual holdings - secondary bibliographic unit: indexes 
The following are examples of bibliographic items and their corresponding units in the ISO standard:
{| class="wikitable"|-! Item!! Unit|-| Single volume monograph|| 1 basic|-| Multipart monograph|| 1 basic|-| Multipart monograph with periodically issuedrevised volumes|| 1 basic|-| Journal with no supplements|| 1 basic|-| Set of maps|| 1 basic|-| Phonorecord|| 1 basic|-| Kit with 5 components|| 5 basic|-| Music score and 2 parts|| 3 basic|-| Book with pocket fiche|| 1 basic + 1 secondary|-| Journal with a journal supplement|| 1 basic + 1 secondary|-| Videotape with program notes|| 1 basic + 1 secondary|-| Loose-leaf publication with serially issued updatesUnit1 basic1 basic1 basic1 basic1 basic1 basic5 basic3 basic|| 1 basic + 1 secondary1 basic + 1 secondary|}1 basic + 1 secondary1 basic + 1 secondary==3.3 Control Functions== 
Control functions permitted in the UNIMARC Holdings Format are confined to those used for
subfield codes, field separators, and record terminator, as specified in ISO 2709; character set escape
subscripts as specified in ISO 6630. No control functions are allowed to specify typographical
functions such as italics. The use of control functions in UNIMARC Holdings Format records is fully
described in the ''UNIMARC Manual Bibliographic Format'', Appendix J. ==3.4 Field and Subfield Repetition== 
If the word "repeatable" is associated with a field, then that field may occur more than once in a
record. If “repeatable” is associated with a subfield identifier, then that subfield may occur more than
once in an occurrence of the field.
13 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format==3.5 Subfield Order== 
There is no specified order implied in the values of the subfield identifiers. Subfield identifiers are
assigned values for identification purposes, not for file arrangement.
 ==3.6 Fill Character== 
A complete record, fully content designated, is naturally the preferred record for international
exchange purposes. In some cases, however, it may not be possible to convert a national record into
character, hereafter referred to where this occurs as a "fill character," is used in place of the required
information. This character will be the "|" (vertical line, code table position 7/12 in ISO 646).
The fill character can be used whenever a content designator or coded information cannot be
determined by the encoding agency. It thus occurs in the following situations: i) encoding agency
iii) encoding agency uses similar values for this content designator or coded information but they
cannot be translated to the exact UNIMARC Holdings Format equivalents.
The following rules apply to the use of the fill character: fill characters may only be used for
indicators and coded data values that are not mandatory, thus fill characters may not be used in the
Record Label or Directory as subfield identifiers or to replace punctuation or other special characters
in the data portion of fields.
 ==3.7 Coded Data Values== 
The following conventions are used in the assignment of coded values in the Record Label and coded
data subfields:
:# - Information not available.:u - Unknown. Used when codes are being assigned, but the appropriate specific value cannotbe determined.:x - Not applicable. Used when a characteristic is not appropriate for the type of entity beingdescribed.:y - Not present. Used when the characteristic being coded is not present for the entity beingdescribed.:z - Other. Used when codes are being assigned and the characteristics of the entity are known,but none of the defined codes is appropriate.:| - Fill character. Used when no attempt is being made to assign the codes. ==3.8 Numerical Subfields== 
The following numerical subfields have been defined for use in the holdings format:
14 {| class="wikitable"|- 86UNIMARC Holdings Format! Subfield!! Definition !! Note$2|-| $2$3$4$6$7$9Definition Note|| System Code or source || 2-- block|-| $2 || Link Text|| 256|-| $3 || Authority Record NumberRelator CodeInterfield Linking DataScript of FieldLocal Use 2|| 7-- block256|-| $4 ||Relator Code || 7-- block7|-- block| $6 || Interfield Linking Data || 5-- block|-| $7 ||Script of Field || 2-- block; 3-- block; 5-- block|-| $9 || Local Use || |} ===$6 Interfield Linking Data=== 
This subfield contains information allowing the field to be linked for processing purposes to
other fields in the record. The subfield also contains a code indicating the reason for the link. The
subfield is used; the third element (character positions 3-5) is optional. Thus the length of this
subfield may be either 3 or 6 characters. Subfield $6 should be the first subfield in the field.
Data entered in subfield $6 is recorded as follows:
{| class="wikitable"|-! Name of Data Element!! Number of Characters !! Character Positions|-| Linking explanation code|| 1 || 0|-| Linking number|| 2 || l-2|-| Tag of linked field12|| 30l-2|| 3-5|} ===$6/0 Linking explanation code=== 
This code specifies the reason for the interfield linkage. The following value is defined:
 :az= alternative script:z = other reason for linking ===$6/1-2 Linking number=== 
This two-digit number is carried in subfield $6 of each of the fields to be linked together. Its
function is to permit matching of linking fields and is not intended in any way to act as a
assigned to each of the fields in the pair or group to be linked together are identical and differ
from the number assigned to any other pair or group within the record.
 ===$6/3-5 Tag of linked field=== 
This element consists of the three-character UNIMARC tag of the field being linked to. The
element is optional: if the tags of both linked fields are identical, it would usually be omitted.
 ===$7 Script of Field=== 
The script of cataloguing (location, notes, etc.) is identified in field 100 of the record [position 20-21].
Some agencies need to record locations, notes, and holdings statement in more than one script form
scripts for Japanese; devanagari, khmer, and lao scripts for Pali). Alternative script representations of
the locations, notes, and holdings statement may be co-resident in a holdings record.
15 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format
The alternative script forms of the 2-- record location are recorded in additional 2-- location fields,
with a $7 Script of cataloguing and the base location subfield that indicates the difference from the
script defined in field 100. The alternative script forms of notes or holdings statement are carried as
repeated tags in their respective blocks.
The various script forms of the same location, note or holdings statement are linked through a $6
linking subfield and the scripts are identified by a $7 Script of cataloguing and the base location
subfield. The subfield would usually be omitted in those fields with the same alphabet/script as that
coded in 100 character position 20-21.
 ''Example'' :001'''163279''':100252252163279'''##$aYYYYMMDDenga03######ba0''':252 '''##$6a01$a[Institution Identifier]$j[Call number]''':252 '''##$6a01$7ca$a[Institution Identifier in Cyrillic]$j[Call number in Cyrillic]''' ==3.9 Punctuation== 
ISO 10324 prescribes punctuation and separators only for the “General Holdings Area” and the
“Extent of Holdings Area”. Separators between areas are not prescribed, nor punctuation within the
Location, Date of Report or Holdings Note Area.
In the interests of consistency between users of UNIMARC, this Manual also makes certain
recommendations with regard to punctuation. It recommends that, with a small number of exceptions,
punctuation be omitted at subfield boundaries.
All other punctuation is carried in the record according to the practice of the bibliographic agency
issuing the record.
 ==3.10 Format Use== '''Holdings Entry Records''' 
This format is designed to support primarily the communication of holdings entry records. These
records may also carry alternative entry holdings related to the location and access, for which the
record was created. A 5-- field is used for specifying the pattern, caption, enumeration and
chronology of a holding.
  '''Bibliographic item model'''According ISO 10324 3 (ISO 10324:1997, Annex A: Taxonomy of a bibliographic item (normative)) a bibliographic item is defined as follows: 
Bibliographic item
::Basic bibliographic unit (repeatable):::Non-serial::::Single-part::::Multipart:::Serial / ''Integrating Resource '' [4]3[4] - In ISO 10324:1997, Annex A: Taxonomy , there is no mention of Integrating Resource (this is a bibliographic item new term used by the ISBD),but in 3.1, taken from ISO, there is a method of recording loose leaf publications (normativean example of integratingresource).16 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format:Secondary bibliographic unit (repeatable)::Non-serial:::Single-part:::Multipart::Serial / Integrating Resource 
According to this model, a bibliographic item is made of one or more bibliographic units. Each
bibliographic unit may be a basic or a secondary unit, serial, ''integrating '' or non-serial units. Non-
serial units are made of a finite number of constituent parts (one or more) while serial and integrating
units vary from one to infinite. (see also 3.1 Mandatory fields, for examples of bibliographic items
and units).
 '''Multiple enumerations''' 
For a continuing resources or multipart unit within a serial or multipart unit, each with its own
numbering scheme, the enumeration appropriate to the basic bibliographic unit specified in the
Holdings Record Identifier shall be recorded.
For alternative enumerations, if there is a scheme of continuously incrementing issue numbers or
other numbering schemes in addition to a regular scheme of enumeration, the alternative numbering
using an equals sign. When alternative numbering exists, there should be correlation between the
different enumeration schemes.
 ''Example'':v. 1-5 = nr 1-60 ==3.11 Outline of Content of Records== {| class="wikitable"|-! ===3.11.1 UNIMARC Holdings Record=== !! ISO 10324 Area|-| Record Label|| General Holdings Area, Type of Unit Designator|-| 0-- Identification Block|| Item Identification Area|-| 1-- Coded Information Block|| General Holdings Area|-| 2-- Location and Access Block|| Location Data Area|-| 3-- Notes Block|| Holdings Note Area|-| 5-- Extent of Holdings Block|| Extent of Holdings Area|-| 7-- Responsibility Block|| |-| 8-- Source Information Block|| ISO 10324 AreaGeneral Holdings Area, Type of Unit Designator|}Item Identification AreaGeneral Holdings AreaLocation Data AreaHoldings Note AreaExtent of Holdings Area===3.11.2 Correspondence between ISO 10324 Holdings Statements and UNIMARCHoldings Format==={| class="wikitable"|-! ISO Area/Data element !! UNIMARC/Holdings|-| Item Identification Area || 0044In ISO 10324, Annex A, there is no mention of Integrating Resource (this is a new term used by the ISBD),but in 3.1, taken from ISO, there is a method of recording loose leaf publications (an example of integratingresource).17 |- 86UNIMARC Holdings Format| Location Data AreaInstitution IdentifierSublocation IdentifierCopy IdentifierCall Number || 2--|-| :Institution Identifier || 252 $a|-| :Sublocation Identifier || 252 $b|-| :Copy Identifier || 252 $n|-| :Call Number || 252 $j|-| Date of Report Area [5 ] || 100 $a/0-7<br />
|-| General Holdings AreaType of Unit Designator || Record Label & 1--|-| :Type of Unit Designator || Record Label, ch. pos. 7|-| :Completeness DesignatorAcquisition Status DesignatorRetention Designator|| 171 $a/5|-| :Acquisition Status Designator || 170 $a/0|-| :Retention Designator || 171 $a/0|-| Приклад || Приклад|-| Приклад || Приклад|-| Приклад || Приклад|-| Приклад || Приклад|-| Приклад || Приклад|-| Приклад || Приклад|-| Приклад || Приклад|}   
Extent of Holdings Area
Name of Unit
50- $l
Holdings Note Area 3--
[5] - This data gives the date on which the holdings statement was created or last updated
3.12 Correspondence between UNIMARC/Holdings and UNIMARC/Bibliographic
UNIMARC Holdings Fields UNIMARC Bibliographic Fields
712 Corporate Body Name - Secondary Responsibility (Related to Copy)
722 Family Name - Secondary Responsibility (Related to Copy)
5This data gives the date on which the holdings statement was created or last updated18 - 86UNIMARC Holdings Format==3.13 Display of Holdings Records== 
According to ISO 10324 the following formats may be used to arrange the holdings statement areas in
a display.