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Перенаправлено з «Hold/070»

Hold / 070 Inventory number

(Перенаправлено з Hold/070)

070 Inventory number

Тег: 070

Назва поля: Inventory number

Інші назви: Inventory number (англ.)

Field definition

This field contains accession, storage, loan or other numbers and volume and copy identifiers, assigned by the holding institution and considered important for item control.


Repeatable. Optional


Indicator 1:

# Unspecified Number Type
1 Accession Number
2 Storage Number
3 Loan Number
8 Other

Indicator 2:

# No defined relation
1 Same as Shelf-Mark


$a Number

$b Volume Identifier

$c Copy Identifier


EX 1

070 1#$a43278
070 1#$a57823$b1o v.$ccopy 2

EX 2

The accession number identifies the second copy of the first volume.

Див. також