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Перенаправлено з «Hold/170»

Hold / 170 Coded data field: Acquisition status

(Перенаправлено з Hold/170)

170 Coded data field: Acquisition status

This field contains coded data applicable to all types of holdings records that indicates whether a bibliographic unit has been or will be acquired for the reporting institution.


Mandatory. Not repeatable .


Indicator 1: blank (not defined)
Indicator 2: blank (not defined)


$a Acquisition status designator

Not repeatable.

Specific acquisition status for the unit at the date of the holdings report that indicates whether a unit has been or will be acquired for the reporting institution.

Notes on Field Contents

$a/0 Receipt or acquisition status

# = Information not available
a = Completed or ceased
Used for received single-part or completed multipart units or for continuing resources that have ceased.
b = on order
Used for serial or non serial units when the units are on order but have not yet been acquired.
c = Received regularly
Used for serial units when published pieces are routinely being received.
d = Not currently received
Used for serial units when newly published pieces are not being received, whatever the reason, by the reporting location.
u = Unknown
z = Other

$a/1 Method of acquisition

a = Purchase
Acquisition with monetary consideration.
b = Gift
Acquisition without monetary consideration.
c = Deposit
Transfer of a document to an organization without change of ownership.
d = Legal deposit
Deposit in accordance with national or international law.
e = Exchange
Acquisition by barter or payments in kind.
f = International exchange
Acquisition by barter or payments in kind at international level.
g = Free
Acquisition by gift, bequest or donation, without purchase or exchange.
h = Donation
Document given to an organization to pay a debt.
i = Incorporated
j = Bequest (donation)
Document offered to an organization, sometimes with special conditions that the institution can refuse.
x = Not applicable
z = Other

$a/2-9 Intent to cancel date

Eight characters (according to ISO 8601) that indicate an intent to cancel, the effective date of a cancellation or the date of the last expected part of a multipart or continuing resources item. Dates are recorded in the pattern YYYYMMDD. Any unknown portion is recorded as 00.

######## No intent to cancel or not applicable


20020707 - 7th July 2002
20010500 - May 2001
00000000 - date unknown

Related Fields


EX 1

170 ##$aaj########
A single part item ($a/0 = a) acquired by bequest ($a/1 = j) with “intent to cancel date” not applicable ($a/2-9 = ########)

EX 2

170 ##$aba20030000
A multipart item on order ($a/0 = b), acquired by purchase ($a/1 = a), whom last volume is expected in 2003 ($a/2-9 = 20030000)

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