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''Приклад 1.''
:Монографія видана протягом одного календарного року, основний текст якої має кириличну графіку, основна назва — латинську.
:Манс, Визе. Lotus Oganizer / Е. Б. Яблочкова (пер. з нім.) В. А. Вишняков (ред. пер.).— К.: Торг.-изд. бюро BNV; М.: Біном, 1995.—192 с.: іл.
''Приклад 2. Приклад буде перероблено!!!''
:Факсимільне видання Галицько-Волинських літописів: Острозького списку (Хлєбніковського) і списку Четвертинського (Погодінського)
:The Old Rus’ Kievan and Galician-Volhynian Chronicles: The Ostroz’kyj (Xlebnikov) and četvertins’kyj (Pogodin) Codices = Староруські Київські і Галицько-Волинські літописи: Острозький список (Хлєбніковський) і список Четвертинського (Погодінський) / Pritsak, O. (ed., introd.). — Faxim. Ed. — Harvard: Harvard UP: Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University, 1990.— lxxxix, 762 p. — (Harvard Library of Early Ukrainian Literature. Texts; Vol. VIII)
:Bibliogr.: P. lxxix—lxxxix
''Приклад 3. Приклад буде перероблено!!!''
:Серія «Harvard Library of Early Ukrainian Literature». Має три підсерії «Texts», «English Translations», «Ukrainian Translations». Видавалася у 1989 1995 рр.
''EX 1: Data complying with FRBR'':
:[[100]] '''##[[100#a|$a20120204a19599999xa]]20120204a19599999x##cx0engy0103####ba'''
:The record was originally entered into a machine-readable data file on 4th February 2012. The continuing resource was first published in 1959 and is still being published. The target audience is not coded at the manifestation level. The continuing resource is an annualreport published by Hampshire County Council. It is an unmodified record, catalogued in English, using no transliteration scheme.
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:''Data not complying with FRBR'':
:[[100]] '''##[[100#a|$a20120204a19599999ma]]20120204a19599999m##c0engy0103####ba'''
:The record was originally entered into a machine-readable data file on 4th February 2012. The continuing resource was first published in 1959 and is still being published. The target audience is "general adult". The continuing resource is an annual report published by Hampshire County Council; it is an unmodified record, catalogued in English, using no transliteration scheme.
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''EX 2: Data complying with FRBR'':
:[[100]] '''##[[100#a|$a20120202bl8101860xa]]20120202bl8101860x##yx0frey0103####ba'''
:The record was originally entered into a machine-readable data file on 2nd February, 2012. The continuing resource was first published in 1810 and ceased publication in 1860. The target audience code is not coded at the manifestation level, and therefore contains value “x”. The record has not been modified, no transliteration scheme is used, and French is the language of cataloguing.
:{| class="wikitable"
:''Data not complying with FRBR'':
:[[100]] '''##[[100#a|$a20120202bl8101860a]]20120202bl8101860|||y0frey0103####ba'''
:The record was originally entered into a machine-readable data file on 2nd February, 2012. The continuing resource was first published in 1810 and ceased publication in 1860. The target audience code is not used, and therefore contains fill characters. The record has not been modified, no transliteration scheme is used, and French is the language of cataloguing.
:{| class="wikitable"