15 556
→$a/13-16 Дата 2
:EX 22 '''[[100#a/8|j]]19850412''' A technical report published 12 April 1985.
:EX 23 '''[[100#a/8|j]]198511##''' A report published in November 1985. The day of publication is not known or is considered unimportant.
:EX 24 '''[[100#a/8|k]]15861587'''[[210]] ##$aRomae$cex officina Bartholomaei Grassi$d1586$eRomae$gapud Iacobum Ruffinellum$h1587 ''A document published in 1586 and printed in 1587.'':EX 25 '''[[100#a/8|k]]15221521'''[[210]] ##$a[Milano]$capud fratres de Lignano ad signum Angeli$d1522 $eMediolani$gapud Iohannem Angelum Scinzenzeler$h1521 die XXX mensis Iulii.''A document published in 1522 and printed in 1521.'':EX 26 '''[[100#a/8|u]]########'''[[200]] 1#$aViola Springs Limestone$bObject[[300]] ##$aMid-Ordovician''The resource is a rock. Character positions 9-16 cannot be coded for a date range of 478 to 458 million years; so code 'u' is assigned.'':EX 27 '''[[100#a/8|u]]########'''[[210]] ##$aParisii$cGourm$d[s.d.]''The record is the result of unedited retrospective conversion; it is not possible to derive even approximate dates from the data in the source file.'':EX 28 '''[[100#a/8|l]]18601991''''''[[200]] 1#$aНиколай II, император. 1868-1918$j1860-1991''' ''Archive of records of Nikolay II, Emperor of Russia. Includes documents of political activities of Nikolay II: rescripts, decrees, manifests, photos, letters, etc. The earliest resource in the collection is dated 1860, the latest one - 1991. Label, pos. 7 (bibliographic level) contains code “c” = collection.'':EX 29 '''[[100#a/8|l]]19171917''''''[[200]] 1#$aАкты отречения от престола Николая II и великого князя Михаила Александровича$j2-3 марта 1917 ''' ''One of files in the collection in EX 28 – Акты отречения от престола Николая II и великого князя Михаила Александровича (Acts of abdication of Nikolay II and Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich); includes two documents, both dated 1917. Label, pos. 7 (bibliographic level) contains code “c” = collection.''
====<span id="a/17-19"></span>$a/17-19 Коди цільового призначення====