Відкрити головне меню

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110 Поле кодованих даних: серіальні видання

9 байтів додано, 10:43, 5 січня 2022
:[[110]] '''##$aakahg##1zz1'''
:The yearbook of a learned society includes mainly its conference proceedings and a directory of its members. Each volume is bound with title page and index. An index is published every five years. The components of this field are as follows.
 :Character position Value Notes:0 a Periodical:1 k Annual:2 a Regular:3 h Yearbook:4-6 g## Contains directory information:7 l Contains annual conference proceedings:8 z Other (title page is part of annual volume):9 z Other (index is part of annual volume):10 1 Cumulative index available
== Історія ==