Відкрити головне меню

unimarc.org.ua β


101 Мова документу

8 байтів додано, 23:28, 5 грудня 2018
:[[101]] '''2#$amyn$jeng$jfre$jspa'''
:[[101]] '''27$ayua$jeng$jfra$jspa$2iso639-3'''
:“Apocalypto” by Mel Gibson. The soundtrack is in Yucatec Maya, with optional English, French, or Spanish subtitles. Two language code schemes are used and field [[041 ]] is repeated. Since ISO 639-2 does not provide specific code for the Yucatec Maya language, the collective language code for Mayan languages (“myn”) is given in the first field [[101]]. The repeated field [[101 ]] contains code (“yua”) derived from ISO 639-3. Code for French in this case is also derived from ISO 639-3 (“fra”).
== Див. також ==