Відкрити головне меню

unimarc.org.ua β

Hold / 530 Item information - Basic bibliographic unit

530 ITEM INFORMATION - BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHIC UNIT Definition The field contains item level information about the pieces to the item specified in the holdings record. The specified data elements may be used in acquisition or circulation applications. Occurrence Optional. Repeatable. Indicators Indicator 1: Undefined Indicator 2: Undefined Subfields $a $b $c $d $e $h $j $l $p $r $t $x $z Internal item number. Not repeatable. Invalid or cancelled internal item number. Not repeatable. Cost. Repeatable. Date acquired. Repeatable. Source of acquisition. Repeatable. Use restrictions. Repeatable. Item status. Repeatable. Temporary location. Repeatable. Item identification. Repeatable. Invalid or cancelled item identification. Repeatable. Copy number. Not repeatable. Non-public note. Repeatable. Public note. Repeatable. Related fields 170 CODED DATA FIELD: ACQUISITION STATUS 171 CODED DATA FIELD: COLLECTION MANAGEMENT 172 CODED DATA FIELD: INFORMATION SERVICE POLICY EX 1 530 ##$a214537$c20,50€$d20041003$hUse only in the Reading Room 530 ##$a<internal item number>$lExhibition room 530 ##$a<internal item number>$jLost EX 2 EX 3

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