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577 Ім’я/назва — вираження (попереднє)

6611 байтів додано, 16:20, 9 липня 2018
:: A) Підполя: Техніка вбудованих полів
===$1 Дані зв'язку===
Повторюється для кожного вбудованого поля.
'''Notes on field contents'''
Each element is coded according to the 7-- field appropriate to the element: 700 PERSONAL NAME –
IDENTIFICATION OF AN EXPRESSION for the title. The tag, indicators, and data subfields for the name and
title are embedded in a field 577, with each preceded by subfield identifier $1.
A more detailed description of embedded fields can be found under the 4-- field block.
::'''Б) Підполя: Техніка стандартних підполів'''
In the list of subfields below, those pertaining to the related work are marked with the wording “[Work]”. They
can be copied from the record describing the related work. The subfields pertaining to the expression are marked
with ‘[Expression]’.
===$a Name [Work]===
The name of the person, corporate body or family with primary intellectual responsibility for the work
registered in subfield $t. When subfield $a is a composite of more than one standard subfield use the
punctuation prescribed by the cataloguing rules used by the bibliographic agency to separate the elements.
Not repeatable.
===$t Title [Work]===
The title by which the work is known.
When the title of the work is unstructured (indicator 2 = # or 0) subfield $t is a composite of more than
one standard subfield and the punctuation prescribed by the cataloguing rules used by the bibliographic
agency is used to separate the elements.
When the title of the work is structured (indicator 2 =1) subfield $t is the title by which the work is known
without any qualifications or mention of any part.
This subfield should be present whenever field 241 is used.
===$h Number of section or part [Work]===
The number of a part when the item to which the title is being applied is only a part of the work named in
the title.
Repeatable for a subdivided part.
===$i Name of section or part [Work]===
The name of a part when the item to which the title is being applied is only a part of the work named in
the title.
Repeatable for a subdivided part.
===$c Form of work [Work]===
Standard phrase indicating class or genre to which a work belongs.
Not repeatable.
===$d Date of work [Work]===
The date of the work, when required as part of the title in order to differentiate a work from another work.
The date of the work is the earliest date associated with a work. Date of work may be the date the work
was created or the date the work was first published or released.
Not repeatable.
===$e Place of origin of work [Work]===
The place of origin of the work, when required as part of the title in order to differentiate a work from
another work. The place of origin of the work is the country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a
work originated.
Not repeatable. If more than one place need to be recorded, all of them should be entered
in a single subfield $e.
===$f Original language of the work [Work]===
The original language of the work, when required as part of the title of the work. Not repeatable. If the
work is in more than one language, all languages should be entered in a single subfield $f.
===$k Other distinguishing characteristics of a work [Work]===
Any characteristic other than form of work, date of work, or place of origin of the work that serves to
differentiate a work from another work with the same title or from the name of a person, family, or
corporate body.
===$r Medium of performance (for music) [Work]===
The instrumentation, etc., of the work.
===$s Numeric designation (for music) [Work]===
A number assigned by the composer or others to distinguish works. The number may be the serial, opus
or thematic index number or date used as a number.
===$u Key (for music) [Work]===
The musical key used as part of the title.
Not repeatable.
===$l Form of the expression [Expression]===
Standard phrase indicating class or genre to which an expression belongs.
Not repeatable. (EX 3)
===$m Language of the expression [Expression]===
The language of the expression.
Not repeatable. If the expression is in more than one language, all
languages should be entered in a single subfield $m.
===$n Content type [Expression]===
Categorization reflecting the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and
the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived. The content type is expressed through a
standard phrase.
Not repeatable.
===$o Date of expression [Expression]===
The original date of the expression of the work when required as a means to identify the expression. The
original date of the expression is the earliest date associated with an expression. The date of the earliest
manifestation embodying the expression may be treated as the date of expression.
Not repeatable. (EX 6)
===$v Medium of performance (for music) [Expression]===
The instrumentation, etc., of the expression.
===$w Other characteristics of expression [Expression]===
Any characteristic other than content type, language of expression, date of expression, or form of
expression that serves to differentiate an expression from another expression of the same work. It can be a
version statement, the name of the person or corporate body responsible for the expression.
(EX 4, 6)
===$j Form subdivision===
A term added to a subject access point to further specify the kind(s) or genre(s) of material. Agencies not
using this subdivision should use $x instead.
===$x Topical subdivision===
A term added to a subject access point to specify further the topic that the access point represents.
===$y Geographical subdivision===
A term added to a subject access point to specify a place in relation to a title which the subject access
point represents.
===$z Chronological subdivision===
A term added to a subject access point to specify the period in time in relation to a title which the subject
access point represents.
===$3 Authority Entry Record Number===
The identifier for the authority record for the expression as identified by the name/title authorized access
point identifying the expression. This subfield is for use with UNIMARC Authorities format field 242
Not repeatable.
==Примітки про зміст поля==