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577 Ім’я/назва — вираження (попереднє)

231 байт додано, 18:37, 9 липня 2018
punctuation prescribed by the cataloguing rules used by the bibliographic agency to separate the elements.
Not repeatableНе повторюється.
===$t Title [Work]===
This subfield should be present whenever field 241 is used.
===$h Number of section or part [Work]===
Standard phrase indicating class or genre to which a work belongs.
Not repeatableНе повторюється.
===$d Date of work [Work]===
was created or the date the work was first published or released.
Not repeatableНе повторюється.
===$e Place of origin of work [Work]===
work originated.
Not repeatableНе повторюється. If more than one place need to be recorded, all of them should be entered
in a single subfield $e.
The original language of the work, when required as part of the title of the work.
Not repeatableНе повторюється. If the
work is in more than one language, all languages should be entered in a single subfield $f.
corporate body.
===$r Medium of performance (for music) [Work]===
The instrumentation, etc., of the work.
===$s Numeric designation (for music) [Work]===
or thematic index number or date used as a number.
===$u Key (for music) [Work]===
The musical key used as part of the title.
Not repeatableНе повторюється.
===$l Form of the expression [Expression]===
Standard phrase indicating class or genre to which an expression belongs.
Not repeatableНе повторюється. (EX 3)
===$m Language of the expression [Expression]===
The language of the expression.
Not repeatableНе повторюється. If the expression is in more than one language, all
languages should be entered in a single subfield $m.
standard phrase.
Not repeatableНе повторюється.
===$o Date of expression [Expression]===
manifestation embodying the expression may be treated as the date of expression.
Not repeatableНе повторюється. (EX 6)
===$v Medium of performance (for music) [Expression]===
Not repeatableНе повторюється.
==Примітки про зміст поля==