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нема опису редагування
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<a href="[http://www.ifla.org/VI/3/p1996-1/sec-uni.htm">UNIMARC</a> ] was developed under the umbrella of
<a href="http://www.ifla.org">International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)</a>
in 1977 as a solution to the problem of incompatibility between different national MARC formats. The main purpose was to
Those records could be converted into UNIMARC – which would act as a sort of backbone format – and from there into any
other MARC format, if needed. UNIMARC was to be the format to facilitate the international exchange of bibliographic data
in machine-readable form.<br>
As many countries did not had a national MARC format and were on the verge of taking a decision,
UNIMARC was adopted as their in-house format, during the ’80s and ’90s. At the end of the 20th century, 50 institutions
were using UNIMARC, 22 as an exchange format and 10 as an internal one and 17 others indicated that they could handle
UNIMARC. These institutions come from all over the world.<br>
Primarily it was just meant for bibliographic records but UNIMARC Authorities was published in 1991 and,
more recently, UNIMARC formats for Classification and for Holdings are under discussion.<br>
UNIMARC is also a national format of France, adapted in Russia (RUSMARC) and Belarus (BELMARC),
other countries, and now and in Ukraine (UKRMARC). # [http://unimarc.org.ua/biblio.html Format UKRMARC/Bibliographic]# [http://unimarc.org.ua/auth/index.html">Format UKRMARC/Authorities]<sup><small>*</small><br/sup># [http://unimarc.org.ua/class/index.html">Format UKRMARC/Classification]<sup><small>*</small></psup># [http://unimarc.org.ua/hold/index.html">Format UKRMARC/Holdings]<sup><small>*</small></fontsup>
<font size="-2"><i><sup><small>*</small></sup> in work</i></font>
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<i>Contact: Serhij Dubyk, <a class="linkification-ext" href="[mailto:dubyk@ukr.net" title="Linkification: mailto:dubyk@ukr.net">dubyk@ukr.net</a>]</i>