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072 Універсальний товарний код (UPC)

Версія від 09:25, 7 грудня 2018, створена Dubyk (обговореннявнесок) (Related Fields)


072 Універсальний товарний код (UPC)

Тег: 072

Назва поля: Універсальний товарний код (UPC)

Інші назви: Універсальний код товару (UPC) (укр), Universal Product Code (UPC)(англ.), Универсальный код товара (UPC) (рос.), Universal Product Code (фр.), Codice universale di prodotto (UPC) (італ.), Universalus produkto kodas (UPC) (литов.)

Field Definition

This field contains the Universal Product Code. The field corresponds to the ISBD Standard Number (or Alternative) and Terms of Availability Area. The field may contain the terms of availability and/or price, even if it does not contain a number.


Optional. Repeatable.


Indicator 1: blank (not defined)

Indicator 2: Difference indicator

The second indicator position contains a value that indicates whether there is a difference between a scanned number or code and the same number or code in eye readable form.
0 No information provided
1 No difference
2 Difference


$a Standard Number

A correctly formatted standard number or code. Number or code is formatted according to type. Not repeatable.

$b Qualification

An indication of the scope of the number or code in subfield $a (if present), usually the name of a publisher, an indication of the binding of the item, or an indication of the relationship of a number or code to a set or to a particular volume. Not repeatable.

$c Additional codes following standard number or codes

Contains any coded suffix to the identifier. Not repeatable.

$d Terms of Availability and/or Price

The price of the item and any comment on its availability. Not repeatable.

$z Erroneous Number or Code

A number or code that has been identified as being erroneously applied to an item or is otherwise invalid. It may have been allocated to two different publications or products and in this instance cancelled or it may have been incorrectly printed. Repeatable.

Related Fields

The ISBN is a component in other standard numbers
The ISSN is a component in other standard numbers.

Notes on Field Contents

UPC structure: (UCC-12)

The UPC appears as a bar-code symbol with 12 digits printed below it. Hyphens or spaces usually separate the elements of the number on the item, but these are not input in the UNIMARC record. For further information visit the Uniform Code Council Website, at http://www.uc-council.org/. The code has three basic parts:

Number System Character (NSC) is the first digit (Subfield $a: Character position 0), which appears on the left side of the symbol outside of the bars

Identifier is the next ten digits (Subfield $a: Character positions 1-10). These are shown below the bars.

Check digit is the twelfth digit (Subfield $a: Character position 11) ,and usually appears at the bottom right of the symbol.

The composition of the "Identifier" varies for different categories of material:

Audio/Video. The 10 digit "identifier" consists of three elements:

Manufacturer's Designation (Subfield $a: Character Positions 1-5). The Uniform Code Council (http://www.uc-council.org) assigns this designation.

Selection Number (Subfield $a: Character Positions 5-9). Note that the first digit of the selection number is also the last digit of the manufacturer's designation.

Configuration Number (Subfield $a: Character Position 10). The format of the product is indicated by the configuration number.

Continuing Resources

Publisher/Distributor Identifier (Subfield $a: Character Positions 1-5)

BIPAD title identification number (Subfield $a: Character Positions 6-10)

Issue identifier (Subfield $c: Character positions 0-1) optional suffix

Paperback Books

For paperback books there are two models:

Model A

Publisher Identifier (Subfield $a: Character Positions 1-5)

Title Portion of ISBN (Subfield $a: Character Positions 6-10)

Model B

Publisher or Bookline Identifier (Subfield $a: Character Positions 1-5)

Cover price/price category (Subfield $a: Character Positions 6-10)

Title Portion of ISBN (Subfield $c: optional suffix)


EX 1

072 #1$a070993005955$c35740
A UPC for a paperback book using Model B. The cover price/price category is

represented by 00595. The title element of the ISBN is stored in subfield $c.

EX 2

072 #1$a070993357405
A UPC for the same item as EX 1, using Model A.

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